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Saturday 10 August 2013

Healthy Living: 20 Superstar Superfood For Super Healthy Heart
Healthy Living: 20 Superstar Superfood For Super Healthy Heart
Healthy Living: 20 Superstar Superfood For Super Healthy Heart
The gospel about the health benefits of healthy eating and living is not new. It is proven time and time again that a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen makes one live healthier and longer. Thanks to the wonder powers of superfoods, we now know a ton about how to prevent cardiovascular disease, which includes both strokes and heart attacks.

Read: Most Essential Health Benefits Gained From Running Regular

Knowing the essential health benefits of these superfoods is not enough. You have to go a step further and include them your daily healthy diet. You have to be resolved to make it an essential part of your diet.

Read on to learn about these superfoods that keep your heart healthier in particular and you entire health in general.

This includes almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts and macadamia nuts, all of which contain good-for-your-heart fiber. They also contain vitamin E, which helps lower bad cholesterol. And some, like walnuts, are high in omega-3 fatty acids. "Some people in the past have avoided nuts because they're higher in fat, but most of the studies show that people who consume nuts daily are leaner than people who don't," says Graf. And leaner people are at a lower risk for heart problems. Look for varieties that don't have a lot of added salt.

Red Wine
Red wine, or small amounts of any type of alcohol, is thought to lower heart disease risk. (Caution: Unhealthy quantity of more than a drink or two a day, can actually increase risk.) While some say a polyphenol found in red wine, resveratrol, gives that beverage an added benefit, research suggests that any type of alcohol in moderation works. As with coffee, though, none of these properties are a reason to start drinking alcohol, says Graf. You can also get resveratrol from non-alcohol sources, like natural peanut butter and grapes.

Read: Health Benefits Comparison: Wine vs Beer

Salmon and other fatty fish such as sardines and mackerel are the superstars of heart-healthy foods. That's because they contain copious amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, shown in studies to lower the risk of arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) and atherosclerosis (plaque build-up in the arteries) and decrease triglycerides. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish and preferably fatty fish at least twice a week. Omega-3 fatty acids are also available as dietary supplements.

Whole-grain barley is rich in soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which is good for combating constipation. A decent protein source, barley also contains a good supply of iron and minerals. Beware when choosing which barley to buy. So-called "pearl barely" lacks the outer husk, and thus, most of the nutrients are removed. Look for whole-grain barley cereals, or substitute whole-grain barley for rice and pasta side dishes once a week.

Oatmeal is high in soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol. "It acts as a sponge in the digestive tract and soaks up the cholesterol so it is eliminated from the body and not absorbed into the bloodstream," says Lauren Graf, a registered dietician and co-director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Graf recommends avoiding instant oatmeal, which often contains sugar, and heading instead for old-fashioned or even quick-cooking oats. Other whole grains such as bread, pasta and grits are also good for the heart as long as they still contain the entire grain.

Not just blueberries, but strawberries and other berries as well. According to one recent study, women aged 25 through 42 who ate more than three servings of blueberries and strawberries a week had a 32 percent lower risk of heart attack compared with those who ate less. The authors of the study attributed the benefit to compounds known as anthocyanins, flavonoids (which are antioxidants) that may decrease blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Anthocyanins give plants their red and blue colors.

Known for their laxative effect, prunes are an excellent source of fiber and iron, and regular consumption has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood. Prunes may also help protect you against colon cancer. If you're not a prune fan, plums are also a decent source of fiber and beta-carotene.

Dark chocolate
Several studies have now shown that dark chocolate may benefit your heart, including one in 2012 that found that daily chocolate consumption could reduce nonfatal heart attacks and stroke in people at high risk for these problems. The findings applied only to dark chocolate, meaning chocolate made up of at least 60-70 percent cocoa. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids called polyphenols, which may help blood pressure, clotting, and inflammation. Unfortunately, milk chocolate and most candy bars don't make the grade when it comes to protecting your heart.

Soy products, including tofu and soy milk, are a good way to add protein to your diet without unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Soy products contain high levels of polyunsaturated fats (good for your health), fiber, vitamins, and minerals. What's more, soy may reduce blood pressure in people who eat a diet high in refined carbohydrates. And compared with milk or other proteins, soy protein can actually decrease LDL or "bad" cholesterol.

Tomato consumption in the U.S. has been rising and that's a good thing. Like potatoes, tomatoes are high in heart-healthy potassium. Plus, they're a good source of the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid that may help get rid of "bad" cholesterol, keep blood vessels open, and lower heart attack risk. And because they're low in calories and low in sugar, they don't detract from an already-healthy diet. They're excellent for the body in a number of ways.

Citrus fruits
Women who consume high amounts of the flavonoids found in oranges and grapefruits have a 19 percent lower risk of ischemic stroke (caused by a clot) than women who don't get as much of these compounds, a recent study found. Citrus fruits are also high in vitamin C, which has been linked with a lower risk of heart disease. Beware of citrus juices that contain added sugar. And be aware that grapefruit products may interfere with the action of the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins.

There's no reason to shun potatoes because they're white and look like a "bad" starch. As long as they're not deep fried, potatoes can be good for your heart. They're rich in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. And they're high in fiber, which can lower the risk for heart disease. "They are definitely not a junk food or refined carbohydrate," says Graf. "They have a lot of health benefits."

Because they come from plants, legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas are an excellent source of protein without a lot of unhealthy fat. One study found that people who ate legumes at least four times a week had a 22 percent lower risk of heart disease compared with those who consumed them less than once a week. And legumes may help control blood sugar in people with diabetes. Lowering blood sugar levels is key in helping people avoid diabetes complications, one of which is heart disease.

Extra-virgin Olive Oil
In a landmark study, people at high risk for heart disease who followed the Mediterranean diet (high in grains, fruits, vegetables) supplemented by nuts and at least four tablespoons a day of olive oil reduced their risk of heart attacks, strokes, and dying by 30 percent. Olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce both cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Olives themselves—both green and black—are another source of "good" fat, says Graf. And they "add a lot of flavor to salads," she notes.

Green Tea
Long a favorite in Asia, green tea has grown more popular in the West and may bring with it significant health benefits. One recent study found that people who drank four or more cups of green tea daily had a 20 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke compared with people who "seldom" imbibed the beverage. The findings echo a previous study that found lower rates of death, including death from heart disease, among avid drinkers of green tea. Antioxidants known as catechins may be responsible for the effect.

Broccoli, Spinach and Kale
When it comes to your general health, you really can't go wrong with vegetables. But green vegetables may give an extra boost to your heart. These are high in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants and free your body of potentially harmful compounds. They're also high in fiber and contain tons of vitamins and minerals. Kale also has some omega-3 fatty acids. Green vegetables are super health-promoting foods.

Read: Health Benefits Of Vegetables Are Highest At Noon

Coffee is widely consumed beverage that may also promote heart health. One study found a 10 to 15 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease or other causes in men and women who drank six or more cups of coffee a day. Other research has found that even two cups a day could lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke by 30 percent. It's not clear where the benefit comes from and the news isn't necessarily a reason to pick up the habit. "If you're already drinking coffee and enjoying it, continue," says Graf. "If not, there's no reason to start."

Flax Seeds
Flax seeds as well as the ultra-chic (among the health conscious) chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, says Graf. That's one reason they're good for your heart. Another reason is their high fiber content. Plus, there are a million ways to enjoy them. Try them ground up with other heart-healthy foods, such as dried blueberries, cranberries, or oatmeal or even blended with soy milk and fruit to create a smoothie.

These soft, tasty fruits have a well-established reputation for providing the body and heart with healthy fats. Like olive oil, they're rich in the monounsaturated fats that may lower heart disease risk factors, such as cholesterol. They're also high in antioxidants and in potassium, says Graf. They can be eaten on their own or blended into guacamole, perhaps with some heart-promoting tomatoes.

Pomegranates contains numerous antioxidants, including heart-promoting polyphenols and anthocyanins which may help stave off hardening of the arteries. One study of heart disease patients found that a daily dose of pomegranate juice over three months showed improvements in blood flow to the heart. Ultimately, though, it's important to have variety in your diet. If you don't like pomegranates or can't afford them, a good substitute is apples, which also contain plenty of health-promoting compounds.

Material for this article sourced from

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Healthy Living: 20 Superstar Superfood For Super Healthy Heart

Unknown  |  at   7:57 pm  |  6 comments

Healthy Living: 20 Superstar Superfood For Super Healthy Heart
Healthy Living: 20 Superstar Superfood For Super Healthy Heart
Healthy Living: 20 Superstar Superfood For Super Healthy Heart
The gospel about the health benefits of healthy eating and living is not new. It is proven time and time again that a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen makes one live healthier and longer. Thanks to the wonder powers of superfoods, we now know a ton about how to prevent cardiovascular disease, which includes both strokes and heart attacks.

Read: Most Essential Health Benefits Gained From Running Regular

Knowing the essential health benefits of these superfoods is not enough. You have to go a step further and include them your daily healthy diet. You have to be resolved to make it an essential part of your diet.

Read on to learn about these superfoods that keep your heart healthier in particular and you entire health in general.

This includes almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts and macadamia nuts, all of which contain good-for-your-heart fiber. They also contain vitamin E, which helps lower bad cholesterol. And some, like walnuts, are high in omega-3 fatty acids. "Some people in the past have avoided nuts because they're higher in fat, but most of the studies show that people who consume nuts daily are leaner than people who don't," says Graf. And leaner people are at a lower risk for heart problems. Look for varieties that don't have a lot of added salt.

Red Wine
Red wine, or small amounts of any type of alcohol, is thought to lower heart disease risk. (Caution: Unhealthy quantity of more than a drink or two a day, can actually increase risk.) While some say a polyphenol found in red wine, resveratrol, gives that beverage an added benefit, research suggests that any type of alcohol in moderation works. As with coffee, though, none of these properties are a reason to start drinking alcohol, says Graf. You can also get resveratrol from non-alcohol sources, like natural peanut butter and grapes.

Read: Health Benefits Comparison: Wine vs Beer

Salmon and other fatty fish such as sardines and mackerel are the superstars of heart-healthy foods. That's because they contain copious amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, shown in studies to lower the risk of arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) and atherosclerosis (plaque build-up in the arteries) and decrease triglycerides. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish and preferably fatty fish at least twice a week. Omega-3 fatty acids are also available as dietary supplements.

Whole-grain barley is rich in soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which is good for combating constipation. A decent protein source, barley also contains a good supply of iron and minerals. Beware when choosing which barley to buy. So-called "pearl barely" lacks the outer husk, and thus, most of the nutrients are removed. Look for whole-grain barley cereals, or substitute whole-grain barley for rice and pasta side dishes once a week.

Oatmeal is high in soluble fiber, which can lower cholesterol. "It acts as a sponge in the digestive tract and soaks up the cholesterol so it is eliminated from the body and not absorbed into the bloodstream," says Lauren Graf, a registered dietician and co-director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Graf recommends avoiding instant oatmeal, which often contains sugar, and heading instead for old-fashioned or even quick-cooking oats. Other whole grains such as bread, pasta and grits are also good for the heart as long as they still contain the entire grain.

Not just blueberries, but strawberries and other berries as well. According to one recent study, women aged 25 through 42 who ate more than three servings of blueberries and strawberries a week had a 32 percent lower risk of heart attack compared with those who ate less. The authors of the study attributed the benefit to compounds known as anthocyanins, flavonoids (which are antioxidants) that may decrease blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Anthocyanins give plants their red and blue colors.

Known for their laxative effect, prunes are an excellent source of fiber and iron, and regular consumption has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood. Prunes may also help protect you against colon cancer. If you're not a prune fan, plums are also a decent source of fiber and beta-carotene.

Dark chocolate
Several studies have now shown that dark chocolate may benefit your heart, including one in 2012 that found that daily chocolate consumption could reduce nonfatal heart attacks and stroke in people at high risk for these problems. The findings applied only to dark chocolate, meaning chocolate made up of at least 60-70 percent cocoa. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids called polyphenols, which may help blood pressure, clotting, and inflammation. Unfortunately, milk chocolate and most candy bars don't make the grade when it comes to protecting your heart.

Soy products, including tofu and soy milk, are a good way to add protein to your diet without unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Soy products contain high levels of polyunsaturated fats (good for your health), fiber, vitamins, and minerals. What's more, soy may reduce blood pressure in people who eat a diet high in refined carbohydrates. And compared with milk or other proteins, soy protein can actually decrease LDL or "bad" cholesterol.

Tomato consumption in the U.S. has been rising and that's a good thing. Like potatoes, tomatoes are high in heart-healthy potassium. Plus, they're a good source of the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid that may help get rid of "bad" cholesterol, keep blood vessels open, and lower heart attack risk. And because they're low in calories and low in sugar, they don't detract from an already-healthy diet. They're excellent for the body in a number of ways.

Citrus fruits
Women who consume high amounts of the flavonoids found in oranges and grapefruits have a 19 percent lower risk of ischemic stroke (caused by a clot) than women who don't get as much of these compounds, a recent study found. Citrus fruits are also high in vitamin C, which has been linked with a lower risk of heart disease. Beware of citrus juices that contain added sugar. And be aware that grapefruit products may interfere with the action of the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins.

There's no reason to shun potatoes because they're white and look like a "bad" starch. As long as they're not deep fried, potatoes can be good for your heart. They're rich in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. And they're high in fiber, which can lower the risk for heart disease. "They are definitely not a junk food or refined carbohydrate," says Graf. "They have a lot of health benefits."

Because they come from plants, legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas are an excellent source of protein without a lot of unhealthy fat. One study found that people who ate legumes at least four times a week had a 22 percent lower risk of heart disease compared with those who consumed them less than once a week. And legumes may help control blood sugar in people with diabetes. Lowering blood sugar levels is key in helping people avoid diabetes complications, one of which is heart disease.

Extra-virgin Olive Oil
In a landmark study, people at high risk for heart disease who followed the Mediterranean diet (high in grains, fruits, vegetables) supplemented by nuts and at least four tablespoons a day of olive oil reduced their risk of heart attacks, strokes, and dying by 30 percent. Olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce both cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Olives themselves—both green and black—are another source of "good" fat, says Graf. And they "add a lot of flavor to salads," she notes.

Green Tea
Long a favorite in Asia, green tea has grown more popular in the West and may bring with it significant health benefits. One recent study found that people who drank four or more cups of green tea daily had a 20 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke compared with people who "seldom" imbibed the beverage. The findings echo a previous study that found lower rates of death, including death from heart disease, among avid drinkers of green tea. Antioxidants known as catechins may be responsible for the effect.

Broccoli, Spinach and Kale
When it comes to your general health, you really can't go wrong with vegetables. But green vegetables may give an extra boost to your heart. These are high in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants and free your body of potentially harmful compounds. They're also high in fiber and contain tons of vitamins and minerals. Kale also has some omega-3 fatty acids. Green vegetables are super health-promoting foods.

Read: Health Benefits Of Vegetables Are Highest At Noon

Coffee is widely consumed beverage that may also promote heart health. One study found a 10 to 15 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease or other causes in men and women who drank six or more cups of coffee a day. Other research has found that even two cups a day could lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke by 30 percent. It's not clear where the benefit comes from and the news isn't necessarily a reason to pick up the habit. "If you're already drinking coffee and enjoying it, continue," says Graf. "If not, there's no reason to start."

Flax Seeds
Flax seeds as well as the ultra-chic (among the health conscious) chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, says Graf. That's one reason they're good for your heart. Another reason is their high fiber content. Plus, there are a million ways to enjoy them. Try them ground up with other heart-healthy foods, such as dried blueberries, cranberries, or oatmeal or even blended with soy milk and fruit to create a smoothie.

These soft, tasty fruits have a well-established reputation for providing the body and heart with healthy fats. Like olive oil, they're rich in the monounsaturated fats that may lower heart disease risk factors, such as cholesterol. They're also high in antioxidants and in potassium, says Graf. They can be eaten on their own or blended into guacamole, perhaps with some heart-promoting tomatoes.

Pomegranates contains numerous antioxidants, including heart-promoting polyphenols and anthocyanins which may help stave off hardening of the arteries. One study of heart disease patients found that a daily dose of pomegranate juice over three months showed improvements in blood flow to the heart. Ultimately, though, it's important to have variety in your diet. If you don't like pomegranates or can't afford them, a good substitute is apples, which also contain plenty of health-promoting compounds.

Material for this article sourced from

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The Spirit Releases Potentials – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 10th August 2013
The Spirit Releases Potentials – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 10th August 2013

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witness unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8


Judges 6:19-21

(Judges 6:19) And Gideon went in, and made ready a kid, and unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour: the flesh he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a pot, and brought it out unto him under the oak, and presented it.

(Judges 6:20) And the angel of God said unto him, Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon this rock, and pour out the broth. And he did so.

(Judges 6:21) Then the angel of the LORD put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes; and there rose up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes. Then the angel of the LORD departed out of his sight.

Open Heavens Devotional Message
The Holy Spirit is often symbolized by fire. In judges 6:19-21, when Gideon offered an angel of God a meal, he was asked to package it in a basket and place in on a rock. Thereafter, the angel touched it with his staff and fire came. Inside every wood is the potential of a fire, which is why it is called firewood. But if the wood does not contact fire, it would die and rot away like an ordinary wood. This simply tells us that inside every Christian, there is the potential of becoming a mighty man or woman of God. However, and most unfortunately many Christians may live and die as ordinary people, without performing a single miracle, because the Holy Spirit fire has not come to change an ordinary firewood.

When Jesus borrowed Peter’s boat and taught the people from it, He afterwards gave him a boat-sinking catch of fishes, He then told him he would become a fisher of men from that day (Luke 5:1-11). Yet, for the next three years, Peter did not manifest in a dynamic way the potential to win souls that was in the inside of him. However on the day of Pentecost, when he came in contact with fire, the potential which had been buried within him for three years suddenly erupted. He preached a single sermon and won 3000 souls! (Acts 2:41) You are not on earth by accidents. God did not create you just to eat, drink, go to work, return from work of school, play, go to church, and shout Hallelujah!

Your life is more than that! God has a purpose for creating you. There is a destiny in you that must be fulfilled. That potential in you must be fully exploited for the Lord. But, have you contacted the fire that can release your hidden potential? Have you contacted the Holy Spirit who alone can unearth your buried destiny? Draw closer to the Holy Spirit of Grace today and you will fulfill your destiny. There is a user of this Devotional, who has been worried over how to fulfill the glorious destiny God had earlier spoken of. Just draw closer to the Holy Spirit and obey Him completely and your destiny will be released.

Bible In One Year:
Psalm 114-118

Prayer Point:
Holy Spirit, as I draw closer to You this period, release my destiny from where it has been buried.

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The Spirit Releases Potentials – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 10th August 2013

Unknown  |  at   12:00 am  |  No comments

The Spirit Releases Potentials – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 10th August 2013
The Spirit Releases Potentials – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 10th August 2013

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witness unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8


Judges 6:19-21

(Judges 6:19) And Gideon went in, and made ready a kid, and unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour: the flesh he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a pot, and brought it out unto him under the oak, and presented it.

(Judges 6:20) And the angel of God said unto him, Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon this rock, and pour out the broth. And he did so.

(Judges 6:21) Then the angel of the LORD put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes; and there rose up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes. Then the angel of the LORD departed out of his sight.

Open Heavens Devotional Message
The Holy Spirit is often symbolized by fire. In judges 6:19-21, when Gideon offered an angel of God a meal, he was asked to package it in a basket and place in on a rock. Thereafter, the angel touched it with his staff and fire came. Inside every wood is the potential of a fire, which is why it is called firewood. But if the wood does not contact fire, it would die and rot away like an ordinary wood. This simply tells us that inside every Christian, there is the potential of becoming a mighty man or woman of God. However, and most unfortunately many Christians may live and die as ordinary people, without performing a single miracle, because the Holy Spirit fire has not come to change an ordinary firewood.

When Jesus borrowed Peter’s boat and taught the people from it, He afterwards gave him a boat-sinking catch of fishes, He then told him he would become a fisher of men from that day (Luke 5:1-11). Yet, for the next three years, Peter did not manifest in a dynamic way the potential to win souls that was in the inside of him. However on the day of Pentecost, when he came in contact with fire, the potential which had been buried within him for three years suddenly erupted. He preached a single sermon and won 3000 souls! (Acts 2:41) You are not on earth by accidents. God did not create you just to eat, drink, go to work, return from work of school, play, go to church, and shout Hallelujah!

Your life is more than that! God has a purpose for creating you. There is a destiny in you that must be fulfilled. That potential in you must be fully exploited for the Lord. But, have you contacted the fire that can release your hidden potential? Have you contacted the Holy Spirit who alone can unearth your buried destiny? Draw closer to the Holy Spirit of Grace today and you will fulfill your destiny. There is a user of this Devotional, who has been worried over how to fulfill the glorious destiny God had earlier spoken of. Just draw closer to the Holy Spirit and obey Him completely and your destiny will be released.

Bible In One Year:
Psalm 114-118

Prayer Point:
Holy Spirit, as I draw closer to You this period, release my destiny from where it has been buried.

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Friday 9 August 2013

Imminent Ocean Surge Throws Lekki Coastline Residents Into Panic
Imminent Ocean Surge Throws Lekki Coastline Residents Into Panic
Imminent Ocean Surge Throws Lekki Coastline Residents Into Panic

I remember last year when the ocean surge hit the Alpha Beach section of the coastline, it was unimaginable. It wrecked havoc, properties and infrastructures were destroyed in one sweep. Late evening yesterday, the ocean was on the rise again. Flood had already taken over the nearby streets and waves raging towards the shore has taken on an incredible height. The night has darkened the evening making movements difficult.

Activities has intensified at the Alpha Beach area as a result of the behaviour of the sea waves. Most people are moving out of the coastline danger zone.

“LASEMA (Lagos State Emergency Management Agency) were the Lekki Beach in this morning. They did control it, but the water started flowing again around 7 pm. I called the Lagos State Emergency again few minutes to 10 pm, I was told LASEMA will be informed.” She also said “I hope they respond quickly, the water is flowing back into Jakande Estate, Lekki Beach.”

Must Read: When Is The Best Time To Look For Best Residential Apartment In Lagos?

Another resident who called around 10 pm said “where do we go now? We didn’t plan for this. We are watching, not sleeping. I don’t think help has come. We are hoping on God. If it becomes too much we will move. Everywhere is dark, no light.”

In view of an imminent ocean surge from the Atlantic Ocean, the Lagos State Government has advised those living around the coastline of Lekki, Elegushi and Alpha Beaches to vacate the area to avoid loss of lives.

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Imminent Ocean Surge Throws Lekki Coastline Residents Into Panic

Unknown  |  at   4:07 am  |  No comments

Imminent Ocean Surge Throws Lekki Coastline Residents Into Panic
Imminent Ocean Surge Throws Lekki Coastline Residents Into Panic
Imminent Ocean Surge Throws Lekki Coastline Residents Into Panic

I remember last year when the ocean surge hit the Alpha Beach section of the coastline, it was unimaginable. It wrecked havoc, properties and infrastructures were destroyed in one sweep. Late evening yesterday, the ocean was on the rise again. Flood had already taken over the nearby streets and waves raging towards the shore has taken on an incredible height. The night has darkened the evening making movements difficult.

Activities has intensified at the Alpha Beach area as a result of the behaviour of the sea waves. Most people are moving out of the coastline danger zone.

“LASEMA (Lagos State Emergency Management Agency) were the Lekki Beach in this morning. They did control it, but the water started flowing again around 7 pm. I called the Lagos State Emergency again few minutes to 10 pm, I was told LASEMA will be informed.” She also said “I hope they respond quickly, the water is flowing back into Jakande Estate, Lekki Beach.”

Must Read: When Is The Best Time To Look For Best Residential Apartment In Lagos?

Another resident who called around 10 pm said “where do we go now? We didn’t plan for this. We are watching, not sleeping. I don’t think help has come. We are hoping on God. If it becomes too much we will move. Everywhere is dark, no light.”

In view of an imminent ocean surge from the Atlantic Ocean, the Lagos State Government has advised those living around the coastline of Lekki, Elegushi and Alpha Beaches to vacate the area to avoid loss of lives.

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Man Allegedly Kills His Wife And Posts Photo Of Her Dead Body To Facebook
Derek Medina With Family
Why is it so easy for some people to take life (murder or suicide) over some ridiculous reason? A man in South Miami by the name of Derek Medina shot his wife to death. As if that crime wasn't enough, he posted the extremely graphic photo Facebook. Such a tragic end for the poor woman.

He later updated his facebook status with;
Im going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife love you guys miss you guys take care Facebook people you will see me in the news” my wife was punching me and I am not going to stand anymore with the abuse so I did what I did I hope u understand me 
Man Allegedly Kills His Wife And Posts Photo Of Her Dead Body To Facebook
Man Allegedly Kills His Wife And Posts Photo Of Her Dead Body To Facebook - Jennifer Alfonso
The above photo is the dead body of Jennifer Alfonso, Derek's wife. It is th same picture Derek posted on facebook. What kind of sick action is this?

She never saw this coming I believe. RIP Jennifer Alfonso.

It appears that Derek Medina's entire facebook account has been deleted

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Man Allegedly Kills His Wife And Posts Photo Of Her Dead Body To Facebook

Unknown  |  at   3:12 am  |  No comments

Man Allegedly Kills His Wife And Posts Photo Of Her Dead Body To Facebook
Derek Medina With Family
Why is it so easy for some people to take life (murder or suicide) over some ridiculous reason? A man in South Miami by the name of Derek Medina shot his wife to death. As if that crime wasn't enough, he posted the extremely graphic photo Facebook. Such a tragic end for the poor woman.

He later updated his facebook status with;
Im going to prison or death sentence for killing my wife love you guys miss you guys take care Facebook people you will see me in the news” my wife was punching me and I am not going to stand anymore with the abuse so I did what I did I hope u understand me 
Man Allegedly Kills His Wife And Posts Photo Of Her Dead Body To Facebook
Man Allegedly Kills His Wife And Posts Photo Of Her Dead Body To Facebook - Jennifer Alfonso
The above photo is the dead body of Jennifer Alfonso, Derek's wife. It is th same picture Derek posted on facebook. What kind of sick action is this?

She never saw this coming I believe. RIP Jennifer Alfonso.

It appears that Derek Medina's entire facebook account has been deleted

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Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant
Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant
A passenger at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport was stunned to discover maggots crawling on top of a sandwich he ordered at a terminal restaurant last week. Joel Woloshuk purchased a focaccia sandwich from Café Intermezzo and when he opened the box after boarding his flight to Miami, he noticed something moving on the bread.
Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant
Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant - Joel Woloshuk
"I'm looking, what I thought was parmesan, right?" traveler Joel Woloshuk said. "And the parmesan began to move." 

Woloshuk took out his cellphone and shot video of the repulsive insects.

“That’s what I was served for lunch,” Woloshuk says as he pokes one of the plump maggots with a straw. Woloshuk kept the sandwich and called the restaurant to inform them of the problem when he returned to Atlanta.

“This isn’t a wilted tomato, this isn’t a moldy piece of bread, these are maggots,” Woloshuk said. The restaurant says it had changed its bread supplier as a result of the complaint from Woloshuk. Cafe Intermezzo blamed the bread maker for the maggots and it had found a new supplier.

“All products from the vendor were removed,” Cafe Intermezzo said in a statement. “Not a single crumb of bread from the vendor remains in the facility.”

Woloshuk said he refused the restaurant’s offer of a refund for the sandwich. Better still would be if the cafe could simply erase his memory of the whole episode.

“I’m in this airport weekly, and it makes me pretty angry,” Woloshuk. Now you are going to be weary of every damn thing you eat at the airport. Even when you don see anything, your mind will wonder how hygienic the really is.

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When next at the Atlanta airport please closely examine your focaccia sandwich, to avoid eating a maggot sandwich sushi.

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Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant

Unknown  |  at   2:45 am  |  No comments

Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant
Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant
A passenger at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport was stunned to discover maggots crawling on top of a sandwich he ordered at a terminal restaurant last week. Joel Woloshuk purchased a focaccia sandwich from Café Intermezzo and when he opened the box after boarding his flight to Miami, he noticed something moving on the bread.
Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant
Poor Food Hygiene: Maggots Found In Sandwich At Atlanta Airport Restaurant - Joel Woloshuk
"I'm looking, what I thought was parmesan, right?" traveler Joel Woloshuk said. "And the parmesan began to move." 

Woloshuk took out his cellphone and shot video of the repulsive insects.

“That’s what I was served for lunch,” Woloshuk says as he pokes one of the plump maggots with a straw. Woloshuk kept the sandwich and called the restaurant to inform them of the problem when he returned to Atlanta.

“This isn’t a wilted tomato, this isn’t a moldy piece of bread, these are maggots,” Woloshuk said. The restaurant says it had changed its bread supplier as a result of the complaint from Woloshuk. Cafe Intermezzo blamed the bread maker for the maggots and it had found a new supplier.

“All products from the vendor were removed,” Cafe Intermezzo said in a statement. “Not a single crumb of bread from the vendor remains in the facility.”

Woloshuk said he refused the restaurant’s offer of a refund for the sandwich. Better still would be if the cafe could simply erase his memory of the whole episode.

“I’m in this airport weekly, and it makes me pretty angry,” Woloshuk. Now you are going to be weary of every damn thing you eat at the airport. Even when you don see anything, your mind will wonder how hygienic the really is.

Watch video below

When next at the Atlanta airport please closely examine your focaccia sandwich, to avoid eating a maggot sandwich sushi.

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Babe, Grow Up! – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 9th August 2013
Babe, Grow Up! – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 9th August 2013

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18

1 John 3:18-19

( 1 John 3:18) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

( 1 John 3:19) And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.

Open Heavens Devotional Message
One way of identifying God’s favourite is in the brazen boldness they display wherever they are. They fear nobody but God and avoid nothing else but sin. One great attribute of the eagle which should be manifested in the life of God’s favourites, is the way it dies. It is pretty difficult to find the carcass of an eagle anywhere in the jungle. Why?

This is because when it is old and about to die, it flies up to the highest mountain, sits and faces the sun, and as the sun sets, it drops and dies. This simply assures divine eagles of a glorious end ahead. You shall not die in disgrace. You shall not die in dishonor. Your transition shall be glorious because you are a divine eagle. Do you know that Elijah left this world in God’s chariot of fire, triumphantly? You too, at old age, when your work on earth for the master is done, shall leave victoriously in Jesus name.

However, and this is most unfortunate, most Christians never become God’s favourite even after they have received forgiveness, salvation, deliverance, healing and several other blessings; they remain at the level that they were at salvation virtually all through their lives. They never climb to the level of sanctification. They receive healing but never get to be used by God to impact healing on the sick. They receive deliverance but are never able to set any captive free; they are blessed but never become blessing to others; they have wings but they refuse to fly.

Such Christians remain fledglings all through their lives. You cannot afford to go through life and remain at the bottom! God said you shall be head and not tail. What are you doing at the bottom of the ladder? There are heights before you. There are battles to fight and win. There are giants to fight and defeat. That you have been under does not mean you should die there. There is no divine commendation for those who failed to grow in God’s grace that was made available. Rise up today and start working to get to the top. You shall get there.

Bible In One Year:
Psalm 109-113

Key Point
A general is identified by the battles he has fought and won, and the glory he has brought to his country. What have you achieved for the Kingdom that warrants you being called a Kingdom general?

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Babe, Grow Up! – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 9th August 2013

Unknown  |  at   1:16 am  |  No comments

Babe, Grow Up! – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 9th August 2013
Babe, Grow Up! – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 9th August 2013

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18

1 John 3:18-19

( 1 John 3:18) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

( 1 John 3:19) And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.

Open Heavens Devotional Message
One way of identifying God’s favourite is in the brazen boldness they display wherever they are. They fear nobody but God and avoid nothing else but sin. One great attribute of the eagle which should be manifested in the life of God’s favourites, is the way it dies. It is pretty difficult to find the carcass of an eagle anywhere in the jungle. Why?

This is because when it is old and about to die, it flies up to the highest mountain, sits and faces the sun, and as the sun sets, it drops and dies. This simply assures divine eagles of a glorious end ahead. You shall not die in disgrace. You shall not die in dishonor. Your transition shall be glorious because you are a divine eagle. Do you know that Elijah left this world in God’s chariot of fire, triumphantly? You too, at old age, when your work on earth for the master is done, shall leave victoriously in Jesus name.

However, and this is most unfortunate, most Christians never become God’s favourite even after they have received forgiveness, salvation, deliverance, healing and several other blessings; they remain at the level that they were at salvation virtually all through their lives. They never climb to the level of sanctification. They receive healing but never get to be used by God to impact healing on the sick. They receive deliverance but are never able to set any captive free; they are blessed but never become blessing to others; they have wings but they refuse to fly.

Such Christians remain fledglings all through their lives. You cannot afford to go through life and remain at the bottom! God said you shall be head and not tail. What are you doing at the bottom of the ladder? There are heights before you. There are battles to fight and win. There are giants to fight and defeat. That you have been under does not mean you should die there. There is no divine commendation for those who failed to grow in God’s grace that was made available. Rise up today and start working to get to the top. You shall get there.

Bible In One Year:
Psalm 109-113

Key Point
A general is identified by the battles he has fought and won, and the glory he has brought to his country. What have you achieved for the Kingdom that warrants you being called a Kingdom general?

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Healthy Habit: How To Make Lasting Healthy Habit Change, Healthy Living, Healthy Lifestyle, Habit Change
Healthy Habit: How To Make Lasting Healthy Habit Change
Healthy Habit: How To Make Lasting Healthy Habit Change by Amanda Deverich
Some say change is hard. Quitting smoking, dieting, exercising and even flossing regularly are health-habit changes that can be hard to make. Learned helplessness studies show the reason people do not succeed is that they attempt change in ways they think should work, but don't. Logic tells people facts and fear should inspire and motivate people to change. Sometimes this is true, however, motivation is often lost due to the fundamental belief that it won't really work this time because it never has in the past.

Information alone is not enough to change behavior. Knowing the health implication or health benefits of habit change is not enough motivator. Sometimes people do act on the knowledge they have and others do not. There is a word for the illogical failure to act upon knowledge: akrasia. Akrasia is a Greek term for knowing we should do one thing, yet we do another. I know if I eat that extra slice of pizza I will not lose the weight I would like to lose. Knowing this fact and knowing I should act in accordance is not enough for me to choose not to overeat. Relying on information alone to spark healthy habit changes is insufficient for many people.

Who Do You Fear

Fear of consequences is not a perfect motivator. There is a true saying that nothing happens until the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change. The consequences of not changing gets some people to change, but not all. Some people remain unchanging in painful situations. They are frozen in fear. They deflect the anxiety of the problem by ignoring, minimizing or making fun of it. "I'll go out in a massive heart attack rather than spend years doing crunches and eating cardboard food!" People are well aware that the ultimate risk of smoking or not losing weight is death. Yet, the fear of death is too overwhelming to act upon. Some people internally panic and go into flight-or-freeze mode. They must make death a remote possibility. People thwart change by suppressing anxiety which would otherwise move them to act.

Must Read: Best 5 Healthy Foods That Help Fight Sugar Cravings

Finally, some people do not change habits because they are resigned. They believe they are doomed. No matter what efforts they make, they believe they will not be able to change. They suffer from learned helplessness, a condition where they believe they have tried everything and that nothing will work, even if they do try. This is a false belief. To alleviate the frustration, they disown their true desire to better themselves and as a result become depressed, angry, or outright self-destructive. Sadly, many medical professionals also believe people will not change. Too many times they have seen patients fail to make the effort to instill new health habits. They, too, can lose faith and hope in their clients. Medical professionals ethically dispense the tools and advice with little confidence it will actually be used and applied.

Information, fear of death and feigned hope cannot inspire people to change. There is a way to overcome the akrasia, the frozen overwhelm and the learned helplessness. The catalysts for growth are relationship, hope and ongoing repetition of doing what works.

Relationships can be found in groups or with individuals. Being part of a group has powerful benefits. A group provides a behavioral standard and support. Groups have a culture and a spirit that helps shape its members. In its positive form, this culture can help people make changes by offering support, expectation, encouragement and accountability. Formal healthy-habit groups may be focused on weight loss, exercise, quitting smoking, recovery or other lifestyle change effort. Informal groups such as friends, family, school, work or church can also be very effective. The key is that there is a positive culture of sustained change. If you want to be a non-smoker, hang around non-smokers. If you want to be a runner, hang around runners. 

We need our small wins validated and celebrated -- even if it is in a quiet way. We need someone to actually care that we did not go to the gym that day and who knows how to listen, encourage and believe we will get back in the swing and go tomorrow. Individuals can also be powerful change motivators and sustainers. Finding a guru to lead you is a good idea. A guru is someone with knowledge and charisma. A guru exudes confidence in their methods and that the method can work for you. This can be a fitness guru, a spiritual guru, habit change guru, a parent or friend or an accountability partner.

Groups and gurus can instill hope. They are living models that change can be made and they care about you. When we rely solely on ourselves and our long-standing history of bad health habits, we have no framework, no evidence to believe change is possible. We must chose relationships with others that offer hope. If some of the very medical professionals who are supposed to be able to help us are hopeless that we will change, why should we try? After all, they know more than we. We need someone who evangelizes. We need someone that can lead us on the path that will pay off if only we keep trying. Hope is a powerful motivator. Hope gives energy to try again, to believe that what we are doing actually is going to make a difference in our life.

How Do I Stay Physically Fit With No Motivation To Exercise

Hope is sustained with results. Results come from a method that works. When you suffer from learned helplessness, believing you have tried everything, you need someone to show you what you haven't tried. You have a false belief that no matter what you try it will not work. If your current method does not work, get another method. There are many ways to diet and exercise that work. The trick is to pick one that gets results, that has a culture, group or guru and to keep applying the method. Make a plan and measure progress. Do not be dissuaded by small steps forward followed by failure.

Examine and identify where you may have went wrong. Reapply. Get more information. Repetition is important. Repetition not only instills the method, but moves you closer to results. It also compensates for the days you lose hope or fall off the regimen. If you plan to floss every day and only floss to five days, you are far better off than zero. You have begun to change your habit. Repeat your process the next week, stick with it using accountability and family support. Your wife, dentist and self will love you for it! Over time, a new habit will take root.

Change is a process, not a moment of transfiguration. At first, change takes focused attention to become a habit. Be purposeful, get relational support, identify methods that work and continually apply the strategies. Once a habit is formed, it will give the budding change momentum and add a helpful inertia that makes it easier and easier to maintain the change. Soon then, the change will take root, transforming into a healthier, new you.

Culled from Huffingtonpost

Habit is easier to form than to deform. Instead of spending the rest of one's life trying to change a bad habit, it will be much better if the good habits are formed from the start. But this is usually easier said than done. If you read this article "how to make lasting healthy habit change" start to finish, I'm sure it has strengthened your resolve for a lasting healthy behavioural change if that is your goal.

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Healthy Habit: How To Make Lasting Healthy Habit Change

Unknown  |  at   12:51 am  |  No comments

Healthy Habit: How To Make Lasting Healthy Habit Change, Healthy Living, Healthy Lifestyle, Habit Change
Healthy Habit: How To Make Lasting Healthy Habit Change
Healthy Habit: How To Make Lasting Healthy Habit Change by Amanda Deverich
Some say change is hard. Quitting smoking, dieting, exercising and even flossing regularly are health-habit changes that can be hard to make. Learned helplessness studies show the reason people do not succeed is that they attempt change in ways they think should work, but don't. Logic tells people facts and fear should inspire and motivate people to change. Sometimes this is true, however, motivation is often lost due to the fundamental belief that it won't really work this time because it never has in the past.

Information alone is not enough to change behavior. Knowing the health implication or health benefits of habit change is not enough motivator. Sometimes people do act on the knowledge they have and others do not. There is a word for the illogical failure to act upon knowledge: akrasia. Akrasia is a Greek term for knowing we should do one thing, yet we do another. I know if I eat that extra slice of pizza I will not lose the weight I would like to lose. Knowing this fact and knowing I should act in accordance is not enough for me to choose not to overeat. Relying on information alone to spark healthy habit changes is insufficient for many people.

Who Do You Fear

Fear of consequences is not a perfect motivator. There is a true saying that nothing happens until the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change. The consequences of not changing gets some people to change, but not all. Some people remain unchanging in painful situations. They are frozen in fear. They deflect the anxiety of the problem by ignoring, minimizing or making fun of it. "I'll go out in a massive heart attack rather than spend years doing crunches and eating cardboard food!" People are well aware that the ultimate risk of smoking or not losing weight is death. Yet, the fear of death is too overwhelming to act upon. Some people internally panic and go into flight-or-freeze mode. They must make death a remote possibility. People thwart change by suppressing anxiety which would otherwise move them to act.

Must Read: Best 5 Healthy Foods That Help Fight Sugar Cravings

Finally, some people do not change habits because they are resigned. They believe they are doomed. No matter what efforts they make, they believe they will not be able to change. They suffer from learned helplessness, a condition where they believe they have tried everything and that nothing will work, even if they do try. This is a false belief. To alleviate the frustration, they disown their true desire to better themselves and as a result become depressed, angry, or outright self-destructive. Sadly, many medical professionals also believe people will not change. Too many times they have seen patients fail to make the effort to instill new health habits. They, too, can lose faith and hope in their clients. Medical professionals ethically dispense the tools and advice with little confidence it will actually be used and applied.

Information, fear of death and feigned hope cannot inspire people to change. There is a way to overcome the akrasia, the frozen overwhelm and the learned helplessness. The catalysts for growth are relationship, hope and ongoing repetition of doing what works.

Relationships can be found in groups or with individuals. Being part of a group has powerful benefits. A group provides a behavioral standard and support. Groups have a culture and a spirit that helps shape its members. In its positive form, this culture can help people make changes by offering support, expectation, encouragement and accountability. Formal healthy-habit groups may be focused on weight loss, exercise, quitting smoking, recovery or other lifestyle change effort. Informal groups such as friends, family, school, work or church can also be very effective. The key is that there is a positive culture of sustained change. If you want to be a non-smoker, hang around non-smokers. If you want to be a runner, hang around runners. 

We need our small wins validated and celebrated -- even if it is in a quiet way. We need someone to actually care that we did not go to the gym that day and who knows how to listen, encourage and believe we will get back in the swing and go tomorrow. Individuals can also be powerful change motivators and sustainers. Finding a guru to lead you is a good idea. A guru is someone with knowledge and charisma. A guru exudes confidence in their methods and that the method can work for you. This can be a fitness guru, a spiritual guru, habit change guru, a parent or friend or an accountability partner.

Groups and gurus can instill hope. They are living models that change can be made and they care about you. When we rely solely on ourselves and our long-standing history of bad health habits, we have no framework, no evidence to believe change is possible. We must chose relationships with others that offer hope. If some of the very medical professionals who are supposed to be able to help us are hopeless that we will change, why should we try? After all, they know more than we. We need someone who evangelizes. We need someone that can lead us on the path that will pay off if only we keep trying. Hope is a powerful motivator. Hope gives energy to try again, to believe that what we are doing actually is going to make a difference in our life.

How Do I Stay Physically Fit With No Motivation To Exercise

Hope is sustained with results. Results come from a method that works. When you suffer from learned helplessness, believing you have tried everything, you need someone to show you what you haven't tried. You have a false belief that no matter what you try it will not work. If your current method does not work, get another method. There are many ways to diet and exercise that work. The trick is to pick one that gets results, that has a culture, group or guru and to keep applying the method. Make a plan and measure progress. Do not be dissuaded by small steps forward followed by failure.

Examine and identify where you may have went wrong. Reapply. Get more information. Repetition is important. Repetition not only instills the method, but moves you closer to results. It also compensates for the days you lose hope or fall off the regimen. If you plan to floss every day and only floss to five days, you are far better off than zero. You have begun to change your habit. Repeat your process the next week, stick with it using accountability and family support. Your wife, dentist and self will love you for it! Over time, a new habit will take root.

Change is a process, not a moment of transfiguration. At first, change takes focused attention to become a habit. Be purposeful, get relational support, identify methods that work and continually apply the strategies. Once a habit is formed, it will give the budding change momentum and add a helpful inertia that makes it easier and easier to maintain the change. Soon then, the change will take root, transforming into a healthier, new you.

Culled from Huffingtonpost

Habit is easier to form than to deform. Instead of spending the rest of one's life trying to change a bad habit, it will be much better if the good habits are formed from the start. But this is usually easier said than done. If you read this article "how to make lasting healthy habit change" start to finish, I'm sure it has strengthened your resolve for a lasting healthy behavioural change if that is your goal.

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