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Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Friday, 2 August 2013

Latest 2Go Goword Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers Part 1
Latest 2Go Goword Game Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers.

This is a random post of one of my leisure activity. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 'Work hard and play hard' is my motto. I love word games like scrabble, crossword puzzle, hangman, etc. I played 2Go goword game before die-hard, killjoy anagram cheat users spoilt the fun. So I quit playing 2Go gowords but I didn't discard my collection of 2Go goword tested and scoring word combos. Since gowords was the only reason I log on to 2Go I removed the app from my phone entirely. If you want to be a really good 2go goword player, this article is part of what you need. But if you are a lazy axx, brainless, low or no IQ douchebag anagram cheat user, then this words combo treasure is not for you.

There are lots of correct English word combos but they don't score in the 2Go goword game. This comprehensive list of premium tested and scoring goword word combos is a gold mine for any true goword game player who wants increase his game, hi score and knowledge of words generally. I'm giving out this carefully  and most-sort-after list of tested and scoring 2Go goword combos out for free. I like to appeal to anagram cheat users on 2Go goword to please use their brain and fingers for once and stop killing the fun in the game.

By the way, I just took a snapshot of a 2go goword game now, I'm not Mightiest*1 nor do I know who the gamer is.

The 2Go Goword tested and working word combos are listed below;

7 Words
SPACER pacers, capers, crapes, parsec, scrape, recaps
SPEAR spare, rapes, reaps, pears, parse, pares

6 Words
ASPIRER praiser, parries, repairs, raspier, rapiers
SEPAL leaps, lapse, pleas, peals, pales
PLATES pleats, palest, staple, pastel, petals
RETAINS anstier, nastier, retinas, retsina, stainer
ANGRIEST ganister, gantries, ingrates, granites, rangiest
DELTAS desalt, lasted, salted, slated, staled
MISTER mitres, merits, remits, timers, smiter
TRANCE canter, recant, cretan, nectar, carnet
TRACE caret, crate, carte, cater, react
TEASER easter, seater, reseat, eaters teresa
PHRASE phaser, seraph, shaper sharpe, sherpa
DRAPES padres, parsed, rasped, spared, spread
PASTE pates, peats, septa, spate, tapes
ATTIRES artiest, tastier, artiste, striate, iratest

5 Words
TRIANGLE alerting, altering, relating, integral
LOOPS polos, pools, sloop, spool
GRENADE angered, enraged, grandee, derange
SIREN rinse, resin, reins, risen
PIERS pries, prise, ripes, spire
STATER taster, taters, tetras, treats
ASCOT coast, coats, costa, tacos
PORES poser, prose, ropes, spore
RESULT ulster, rustle, lustre, sutler
PARTIES pirates, piastre, traipse, pastier
STONER, toners, tenors, nestor, tensor
BLAMER ramble, ambler, lamber, marble
PARLEYS parsley, players, replays, sparely
ERNEST nester, tenser, resent, enters
RESTRAIN retrains, trainers, strainer, terrains
RESORT roster, sorter, storer, torres
RITES resit, tries, tires, tiers
STORIED editors, sortied, steroid, triodes
STORED sorted, strode, doters, dorset
RETESTS, testers, tersest, streets, setters
ORGANISED argonised, grandiose, dragonise, organdise
DERAIL laired, railed, redial, relaid
DEARTHS hardest, hatreds, threads, trashed
ANGRIER earring, grainer, rangier, rearing
ANDREW darwen, wander, warden, warned
DRAWER redraw, reward, warder, warred
ERODING groined, ignored, negroid, redoing
SKATE, stake, steak, takes, teaks
ENLIST inlets, listen, silent, tinsel

More will be posted later. For those who want to be good goword players, this list of tested and scoring 2Go Goword word combos is your best source of learning and becoming a pro.

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Latest 2Go Goword Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers Part 1

Unknown  |  at   3:05 am  |  3 comments

Latest 2Go Goword Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers Part 1
Latest 2Go Goword Game Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers.

This is a random post of one of my leisure activity. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 'Work hard and play hard' is my motto. I love word games like scrabble, crossword puzzle, hangman, etc. I played 2Go goword game before die-hard, killjoy anagram cheat users spoilt the fun. So I quit playing 2Go gowords but I didn't discard my collection of 2Go goword tested and scoring word combos. Since gowords was the only reason I log on to 2Go I removed the app from my phone entirely. If you want to be a really good 2go goword player, this article is part of what you need. But if you are a lazy axx, brainless, low or no IQ douchebag anagram cheat user, then this words combo treasure is not for you.

There are lots of correct English word combos but they don't score in the 2Go goword game. This comprehensive list of premium tested and scoring goword word combos is a gold mine for any true goword game player who wants increase his game, hi score and knowledge of words generally. I'm giving out this carefully  and most-sort-after list of tested and scoring 2Go goword combos out for free. I like to appeal to anagram cheat users on 2Go goword to please use their brain and fingers for once and stop killing the fun in the game.

By the way, I just took a snapshot of a 2go goword game now, I'm not Mightiest*1 nor do I know who the gamer is.

The 2Go Goword tested and working word combos are listed below;

7 Words
SPACER pacers, capers, crapes, parsec, scrape, recaps
SPEAR spare, rapes, reaps, pears, parse, pares

6 Words
ASPIRER praiser, parries, repairs, raspier, rapiers
SEPAL leaps, lapse, pleas, peals, pales
PLATES pleats, palest, staple, pastel, petals
RETAINS anstier, nastier, retinas, retsina, stainer
ANGRIEST ganister, gantries, ingrates, granites, rangiest
DELTAS desalt, lasted, salted, slated, staled
MISTER mitres, merits, remits, timers, smiter
TRANCE canter, recant, cretan, nectar, carnet
TRACE caret, crate, carte, cater, react
TEASER easter, seater, reseat, eaters teresa
PHRASE phaser, seraph, shaper sharpe, sherpa
DRAPES padres, parsed, rasped, spared, spread
PASTE pates, peats, septa, spate, tapes
ATTIRES artiest, tastier, artiste, striate, iratest

5 Words
TRIANGLE alerting, altering, relating, integral
LOOPS polos, pools, sloop, spool
GRENADE angered, enraged, grandee, derange
SIREN rinse, resin, reins, risen
PIERS pries, prise, ripes, spire
STATER taster, taters, tetras, treats
ASCOT coast, coats, costa, tacos
PORES poser, prose, ropes, spore
RESULT ulster, rustle, lustre, sutler
PARTIES pirates, piastre, traipse, pastier
STONER, toners, tenors, nestor, tensor
BLAMER ramble, ambler, lamber, marble
PARLEYS parsley, players, replays, sparely
ERNEST nester, tenser, resent, enters
RESTRAIN retrains, trainers, strainer, terrains
RESORT roster, sorter, storer, torres
RITES resit, tries, tires, tiers
STORIED editors, sortied, steroid, triodes
STORED sorted, strode, doters, dorset
RETESTS, testers, tersest, streets, setters
ORGANISED argonised, grandiose, dragonise, organdise
DERAIL laired, railed, redial, relaid
DEARTHS hardest, hatreds, threads, trashed
ANGRIER earring, grainer, rangier, rearing
ANDREW darwen, wander, warden, warned
DRAWER redraw, reward, warder, warred
ERODING groined, ignored, negroid, redoing
SKATE, stake, steak, takes, teaks
ENLIST inlets, listen, silent, tinsel

More will be posted later. For those who want to be good goword players, this list of tested and scoring 2Go Goword word combos is your best source of learning and becoming a pro.

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Thursday, 1 August 2013

Hiarious! Learn Our Lord's Prayer From A Nigerian Ajepako Boy
Lord hears all languages, races and ages. Here's a hilarious video of a little Nigerian Ajepako Boy saying the Lord's prayer the best way he knows. Yeah I know his version is hilarious, he just talked with his father in heaven, that's what matters. Well most of us started like this till we got it better. I know there was a particular line in the Nigerian National Anthem and Pledge that I got wrong for a long time. You need to ajepako version of the Nigerian national anthem and pledge lol.

Watch the prayer below.

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Hiarious! Learn Our Lord's Prayer From A Nigerian Ajepako Boy

Unknown  |  at   8:57 am  |  No comments

Hiarious! Learn Our Lord's Prayer From A Nigerian Ajepako Boy
Lord hears all languages, races and ages. Here's a hilarious video of a little Nigerian Ajepako Boy saying the Lord's prayer the best way he knows. Yeah I know his version is hilarious, he just talked with his father in heaven, that's what matters. Well most of us started like this till we got it better. I know there was a particular line in the Nigerian National Anthem and Pledge that I got wrong for a long time. You need to ajepako version of the Nigerian national anthem and pledge lol.

Watch the prayer below.

Please Don't FORGET To SHARE This POST!!
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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Hilarious Attorney And Witness Dialogues In Court
Be warned! While reading these attorney and witness court dialogues you may laugh so hard in office that your boss may fire you.

These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.
ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget..
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's 20, much like your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid

ATTORNEY: She had three children , right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death..
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.
ATTORNEY: Doctor , how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
WITNESS: Oral...
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

Mehn! I can't stop laughing! This is very hilarious. I know some are actually asked to confuse or catch the witness off guard for another question. Still some downright dumb lol.

Hilarious Attorney And Witness Dialogues In Court

Unknown  |  at   6:08 pm  |  1 comment

Hilarious Attorney And Witness Dialogues In Court
Be warned! While reading these attorney and witness court dialogues you may laugh so hard in office that your boss may fire you.

These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.
ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget..
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He's 20, much like your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid

ATTORNEY: She had three children , right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death..
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I'm going with male.
ATTORNEY: Doctor , how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
WITNESS: Oral...
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

Mehn! I can't stop laughing! This is very hilarious. I know some are actually asked to confuse or catch the witness off guard for another question. Still some downright dumb lol.
Continue Reading→

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

I once put up a Facebook status update about not subscribing to the term thinking outside the box. I prefer the term "Thinking In A Larger Box" Really it's like a terminology difference if you asked me. We may be talking the same thing just worded differently. The wrong expression will definitely get you the wrong reaction. I don’t care the colourful decorations you may put on the term 'Thinking Outside The Box' to justify its usage. To me you can only think outside the box when you are lying six feet taking a dirt nap, that time you are really outside the box of reality and imagination!

Caveat: I'm not a professed philosopher nor lawyer, just airing my opinion.

Below is the Facebook status update and the comments that flowed.

They Say "Think Outside The Box" I Think It's Insane. You Can NEVER Think Outside The Box Rather, You Think In A Much Larger Box. Your Realm Of Thought Will Always Be Your Box.

Mavis Ishanqueen O: Why are you destroying our illusions? The box I think could be social norms.

Ibe W:‎ @Me, pls educate me!!! which part of the body is your own box located??????? January

Me: Yes the box could be social norms, a certain type of social norm. So when you think, you think bigger than the social norm you already have and not outside of it.

Me: The box is not located in any part of my body. The box is my Thought Realm.

Mavis Ishanqueen O: Society could be a point of start, but we can divert totally from it (revolution). Or don't you think that is possible? Cuz that would be thinking outside the box. A bigger box as you said could simply mean a reform, I acknowledge these rules exist and somehow try to bend them without breaking them.

Me: In essence if my thought realm is 3000 meters square, I need to up it to 5000 meters square. Think bigger.

Me: Revolution can only change what you already have and add a new one but can NEVER completely bring a new one. Tell me a revolution that lead to a new brand new structure devoid of anything from the old system.

Mavis Ishanqueen O: I get your point. You win...this time :-D

Ibe Wogu: You are limited by the social norm you already have because you have confined yourself to it. Even the so called limited social norm you think you have, I bet you that you have not fully exploited it. That adage only implores you to expand your horizon as what you see or perceive is not the end of what is. So simply put "think outside the box" means look beyond your limitations!

Me: "That adage only implores you to EXPAND your HORIZON as what you see or perceive is not the end of what is." Did you just use those two words EXPAND and HORIZON in one sentence to refute what I said? Expand here simply means BIGGER and horizon means BOX. Meaning think in a bigger box not outside of the box.

Ibe W: The last time I checked Horizon involves perspective, possibility, prospect, sphere, scope etc. it has nothing to do with an enclosed and defined confines like a box. If the box is a limitation for you, I advise you forget about the box and think outside it. who said thoughts can only be done in boxes, even if u have to do that in a cage or a a container just think.

Me: Like I said earlier "The BOX" is your REALM OF THOUGHT. It's not the literal structure. Perspective, possibility, prospect, sphere, scope, etc are all realms of thoughts. If your thought is outside of these, what is inside then? You can't think outside of it rather you expand. It's like a progression, AP or GP depending on the power of your thought. You can only expand beyond your limitations not outside it. If you are outside it then it's not your limitation, probably another person's.

Ibe W: Ofcourse the social norms in which we operate in is not our own creation as such cannot be said to be my limitation. It is a limitation created by other such as our bad leaders. Contrary to your position, I can expand beyond my limitations especially if it was not originally created by me. And believe me if my realm of though is so myopic, then I may act on even your own thought. I bet you there are times the circumstances around you may not permit you to expand your horizon, then what do u do in such circumstances.

Me: The bad leaders created the situation that is a limitation to you but it's doesn't mean it's a limitation to the leaders. You stay 3 days at the filling station to get fuel and you think the minister of petroleum wastes the same amount of time trying to get fuel? Hell No! He created the limitation for you but it's not a limitation for him, his is there and different. I also acknowledge the fact that different people may face same limitation. Also facing the same situation may not necessarily mean limitation for two different people. There's fuel scarcity, I own a car and you won a bicycle; do you have a problem? You can always expand beyond your limitation irrespective of who created it. Yeah tell me what happens if you can't expand.

Ibe W: The only Realm of Thought foisted upon us (Nigerians) is filled with negativity, expanding it will entail expanding Kidnapping, armed robbery, corruption and recently terrorism. The best option is to jettison our so called social ideals and embrace a new one. No wonder the Bible said "Be yea transformed by the renewal of your mind"

Me: Now you are limiting yourself with negativity. Let me ask you, "Are you currently involved in all the vices you mentioned above?" So that you see negativity around you don't mean that you think and do it/them. You've expanded beyond your limitation but you are still in the system. TRANSFORMATION and RENEWAL mean one thing, improvement on what you already have and not an entirely new one. Still pointing to expanding your horizon.

Me: The only thinking outside the box that ever happened was in CREATION since then man has been thinking in a box bigger than what creation dealt him with.

Ibe W: Well you can think within your own box, as for me my thinking is both within and outside the box (no matter what that is) that is why am an inventor.

Me: I think in a larger/bigger box not outside. Inventor how many boxes do you think outside of in a year?

Ibe W: I have more than I million boxes. Which ones are u talking about. Or do u just have only one perspective to life?

Me: I have more than 1 million boxes merged in one huge box. Just like a cow, it can be million pieces of meat to you or one piece of meat to me.

Ibe W: A ca cow, beef is diifferent cos at the point u get a beef the cow is gone. Using animals as an example, I do not have the time to be beef to a cow, rather I can be goat, Cat, chicken, lion, tiger etc as the occasion requires.

Me: Call it beef, call it cow, it's meat. A million pieces to you, one piece to me.

Do You "Think Outside The Box" Or Do You "Think In A Larger Box"?

Unknown  |  at   3:44 pm  |  No comments

I once put up a Facebook status update about not subscribing to the term thinking outside the box. I prefer the term "Thinking In A Larger Box" Really it's like a terminology difference if you asked me. We may be talking the same thing just worded differently. The wrong expression will definitely get you the wrong reaction. I don’t care the colourful decorations you may put on the term 'Thinking Outside The Box' to justify its usage. To me you can only think outside the box when you are lying six feet taking a dirt nap, that time you are really outside the box of reality and imagination!

Caveat: I'm not a professed philosopher nor lawyer, just airing my opinion.

Below is the Facebook status update and the comments that flowed.

They Say "Think Outside The Box" I Think It's Insane. You Can NEVER Think Outside The Box Rather, You Think In A Much Larger Box. Your Realm Of Thought Will Always Be Your Box.

Mavis Ishanqueen O: Why are you destroying our illusions? The box I think could be social norms.

Ibe W:‎ @Me, pls educate me!!! which part of the body is your own box located??????? January

Me: Yes the box could be social norms, a certain type of social norm. So when you think, you think bigger than the social norm you already have and not outside of it.

Me: The box is not located in any part of my body. The box is my Thought Realm.

Mavis Ishanqueen O: Society could be a point of start, but we can divert totally from it (revolution). Or don't you think that is possible? Cuz that would be thinking outside the box. A bigger box as you said could simply mean a reform, I acknowledge these rules exist and somehow try to bend them without breaking them.

Me: In essence if my thought realm is 3000 meters square, I need to up it to 5000 meters square. Think bigger.

Me: Revolution can only change what you already have and add a new one but can NEVER completely bring a new one. Tell me a revolution that lead to a new brand new structure devoid of anything from the old system.

Mavis Ishanqueen O: I get your point. You win...this time :-D

Ibe Wogu: You are limited by the social norm you already have because you have confined yourself to it. Even the so called limited social norm you think you have, I bet you that you have not fully exploited it. That adage only implores you to expand your horizon as what you see or perceive is not the end of what is. So simply put "think outside the box" means look beyond your limitations!

Me: "That adage only implores you to EXPAND your HORIZON as what you see or perceive is not the end of what is." Did you just use those two words EXPAND and HORIZON in one sentence to refute what I said? Expand here simply means BIGGER and horizon means BOX. Meaning think in a bigger box not outside of the box.

Ibe W: The last time I checked Horizon involves perspective, possibility, prospect, sphere, scope etc. it has nothing to do with an enclosed and defined confines like a box. If the box is a limitation for you, I advise you forget about the box and think outside it. who said thoughts can only be done in boxes, even if u have to do that in a cage or a a container just think.

Me: Like I said earlier "The BOX" is your REALM OF THOUGHT. It's not the literal structure. Perspective, possibility, prospect, sphere, scope, etc are all realms of thoughts. If your thought is outside of these, what is inside then? You can't think outside of it rather you expand. It's like a progression, AP or GP depending on the power of your thought. You can only expand beyond your limitations not outside it. If you are outside it then it's not your limitation, probably another person's.

Ibe W: Ofcourse the social norms in which we operate in is not our own creation as such cannot be said to be my limitation. It is a limitation created by other such as our bad leaders. Contrary to your position, I can expand beyond my limitations especially if it was not originally created by me. And believe me if my realm of though is so myopic, then I may act on even your own thought. I bet you there are times the circumstances around you may not permit you to expand your horizon, then what do u do in such circumstances.

Me: The bad leaders created the situation that is a limitation to you but it's doesn't mean it's a limitation to the leaders. You stay 3 days at the filling station to get fuel and you think the minister of petroleum wastes the same amount of time trying to get fuel? Hell No! He created the limitation for you but it's not a limitation for him, his is there and different. I also acknowledge the fact that different people may face same limitation. Also facing the same situation may not necessarily mean limitation for two different people. There's fuel scarcity, I own a car and you won a bicycle; do you have a problem? You can always expand beyond your limitation irrespective of who created it. Yeah tell me what happens if you can't expand.

Ibe W: The only Realm of Thought foisted upon us (Nigerians) is filled with negativity, expanding it will entail expanding Kidnapping, armed robbery, corruption and recently terrorism. The best option is to jettison our so called social ideals and embrace a new one. No wonder the Bible said "Be yea transformed by the renewal of your mind"

Me: Now you are limiting yourself with negativity. Let me ask you, "Are you currently involved in all the vices you mentioned above?" So that you see negativity around you don't mean that you think and do it/them. You've expanded beyond your limitation but you are still in the system. TRANSFORMATION and RENEWAL mean one thing, improvement on what you already have and not an entirely new one. Still pointing to expanding your horizon.

Me: The only thinking outside the box that ever happened was in CREATION since then man has been thinking in a box bigger than what creation dealt him with.

Ibe W: Well you can think within your own box, as for me my thinking is both within and outside the box (no matter what that is) that is why am an inventor.

Me: I think in a larger/bigger box not outside. Inventor how many boxes do you think outside of in a year?

Ibe W: I have more than I million boxes. Which ones are u talking about. Or do u just have only one perspective to life?

Me: I have more than 1 million boxes merged in one huge box. Just like a cow, it can be million pieces of meat to you or one piece of meat to me.

Ibe W: A ca cow, beef is diifferent cos at the point u get a beef the cow is gone. Using animals as an example, I do not have the time to be beef to a cow, rather I can be goat, Cat, chicken, lion, tiger etc as the occasion requires.

Me: Call it beef, call it cow, it's meat. A million pieces to you, one piece to me.
Continue Reading→

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Chronicled Brain Teaser
Where are those with high IQ, please solve this brain teaser.

The Chronicled Brain Teaser

Unknown  |  at   3:33 am  |  No comments

The Chronicled Brain Teaser
Where are those with high IQ, please solve this brain teaser.
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Friday, 14 June 2013

To each his own. What do you think about Kelly Hansome's tweet? I think its wrong to equate money to sex in a relationship. That dangerously sounds like you are paying for the sex. If that's the case then the relationship is that of a hooker and a customer.

Tweet of The Day On Finance & Romance

Unknown  |  at   4:31 pm  |  No comments

To each his own. What do you think about Kelly Hansome's tweet? I think its wrong to equate money to sex in a relationship. That dangerously sounds like you are paying for the sex. If that's the case then the relationship is that of a hooker and a customer.

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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Wool And Prince Shirt That Needs No Washing Even After 100 Days Of Continuous Us
That is incredible stuff. No wash shirt for all those lazy brothers that find
it very torturous to wash their shirts lol. Sometimes I belong to that group
lol naaah Im just kidding. I know a thorough-bred lazy dude who is a perfect
and permanent life time member of this club.

A New York City start-up Wool & Prince is peddling a men's button-down
wool shirt that the company says never needs washing and won't smell,
even after 100 days of continuous use, including after a sweaty 5-mile run.

Cutting-edge clothiers Wool & Prince says it has put the wool used in this
'no wash' shirt (still in the prototype phase) through a special process that
makes it soft to the touch, resistant to wrinkles and odour-repellent.

Wool & Prince's no wash shirt doesnt smell? But that means people will
be walking around with dirty shirts which might cause skin diseases

Wool And Prince Shirt That Needs No Washing Even After 100 Days Of Continuous Us

Unknown  |  at   4:31 pm  |  No comments

Wool And Prince Shirt That Needs No Washing Even After 100 Days Of Continuous Us
That is incredible stuff. No wash shirt for all those lazy brothers that find
it very torturous to wash their shirts lol. Sometimes I belong to that group
lol naaah Im just kidding. I know a thorough-bred lazy dude who is a perfect
and permanent life time member of this club.

A New York City start-up Wool & Prince is peddling a men's button-down
wool shirt that the company says never needs washing and won't smell,
even after 100 days of continuous use, including after a sweaty 5-mile run.

Cutting-edge clothiers Wool & Prince says it has put the wool used in this
'no wash' shirt (still in the prototype phase) through a special process that
makes it soft to the touch, resistant to wrinkles and odour-repellent.

Wool & Prince's no wash shirt doesnt smell? But that means people will
be walking around with dirty shirts which might cause skin diseases
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Monday, 18 March 2013

Tweet Of The Day: Abati Is A Product Of Same-Sex Marriage

Unknown  |  at   11:01 am  |  No comments

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