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Friday, 19 July 2013

Exceeding Greatness By Sacrifice - RCCG Open Heavens Devotion Friday 19th July 2013, Bible Study, Spirituality

Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. Psalm 50:5

Genesis 22:7-14

(Gen 22:7) And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?

(Gen 22:8) And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

(Gen 22:9) And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.

(Gen 22:10) And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.

(Gen 22:11) And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

(Gen 22:12) And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

(Gen 22:13) And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

(Gen 22:14) And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.

Open Heavens Message
Our God is a covenant keeper. This is why He hates the acts of truce breakers with a passion. If you want your future to be exceedingly great, make sure you are connected through a covenant to God. God is taking us to the level of exceeding greatness. Don’t let anybody deceive you by telling you that you have reached a height nobody has achieved for God. Simply tell them that whatever they consider as your height is truly the beginning of your achievement for God. Tell them they have not seen anything yet.

However, how do you get to your next level – the level of exceeding greatness? Sacrifice is required. In Genesis 22:1-18, Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac and Isaac was willing to be a sacrificial lamb. You cannot get to the height of exceeding greatness without a sacrifice. When The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) was just starting, there was sacrifice. People worked selflessly and with all their hearts. Bricklayers worked for free, so also did carpenters, etc. at the present location of the RCCG Headquarters, the lagoon water was so close and so we had to push the waters backwards by pouring in saw dust.

At that time, I was already a lecturer in the university, but I was glad I had the opportunity to salvage the church and contribute my quota. I got a big basket to carry saw dust. One day, there was a serious traffic jam in Lagos and motorists decided to look for short cuts. In the process, one of my former students saw a particular car going off the congested road and he followed, believing the driver was taking a known alternative route.

That was how they came through our church compound and he saw me carrying a big basket of saw dust. He shouted in disbelief. To get to the next level, you must be prepared to sacrifice. In fact, the quality of your next level will be determined by the quality of your sacrifice. I never knew that I would become a pastor in the RCCG then but I rejoiced at the opportunity to serve God sacrificially. Are you humble enough to serve God at any level of sacrifice He requires of you?

Bible In One Year
Numbers 31-33

Prayer Point
Father, the grace to make the ultimate sacrifice that will take me to my greatest heaight, give to me today. Take me to the very top..

Exceeding Greatness By Sacrifice - RCCG Open Heavens Devotion Friday 19th July 2013

Unknown  |  at   12:05 am  |  2 comments

Exceeding Greatness By Sacrifice - RCCG Open Heavens Devotion Friday 19th July 2013, Bible Study, Spirituality

Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. Psalm 50:5

Genesis 22:7-14

(Gen 22:7) And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?

(Gen 22:8) And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

(Gen 22:9) And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.

(Gen 22:10) And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.

(Gen 22:11) And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

(Gen 22:12) And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

(Gen 22:13) And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

(Gen 22:14) And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.

Open Heavens Message
Our God is a covenant keeper. This is why He hates the acts of truce breakers with a passion. If you want your future to be exceedingly great, make sure you are connected through a covenant to God. God is taking us to the level of exceeding greatness. Don’t let anybody deceive you by telling you that you have reached a height nobody has achieved for God. Simply tell them that whatever they consider as your height is truly the beginning of your achievement for God. Tell them they have not seen anything yet.

However, how do you get to your next level – the level of exceeding greatness? Sacrifice is required. In Genesis 22:1-18, Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac and Isaac was willing to be a sacrificial lamb. You cannot get to the height of exceeding greatness without a sacrifice. When The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) was just starting, there was sacrifice. People worked selflessly and with all their hearts. Bricklayers worked for free, so also did carpenters, etc. at the present location of the RCCG Headquarters, the lagoon water was so close and so we had to push the waters backwards by pouring in saw dust.

At that time, I was already a lecturer in the university, but I was glad I had the opportunity to salvage the church and contribute my quota. I got a big basket to carry saw dust. One day, there was a serious traffic jam in Lagos and motorists decided to look for short cuts. In the process, one of my former students saw a particular car going off the congested road and he followed, believing the driver was taking a known alternative route.

That was how they came through our church compound and he saw me carrying a big basket of saw dust. He shouted in disbelief. To get to the next level, you must be prepared to sacrifice. In fact, the quality of your next level will be determined by the quality of your sacrifice. I never knew that I would become a pastor in the RCCG then but I rejoiced at the opportunity to serve God sacrificially. Are you humble enough to serve God at any level of sacrifice He requires of you?

Bible In One Year
Numbers 31-33

Prayer Point
Father, the grace to make the ultimate sacrifice that will take me to my greatest heaight, give to me today. Take me to the very top..
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Thursday, 18 July 2013

Its such a very sad and unfortunate incident. Poor little children, leaders of tomorrow gone just like that. I can't imagine what the parents of these unfortunate kids are going through right now. May their souls rest in peace. Also the conditions that led to this horrible incident should be checked.

According to Guardian UK:
Doctors have been fighting to save a group of primary school children poisoned by their school lunch at a primary school in a poor rural area of eastern India yesterday.

Reports vary as to the number of those who have died but officials on Wednesday put the toll at 22, with another 25 in hospital, as well as the school cook. Three of the children were in serious condition, Associated Press reported.

The children, between the ages of five and 12, fell ill after eating the lunch, of rice and lentils, at the village of Chapra, in the poverty-stricken state of Bihar, on Tuesday. The meal is believed to have been contaminated with pesticides.

"We are trying hard to save the children admitted [here] but the condition of some of them remains critical," said Dr Amarkant Jha Amar, superintendent of the Patna Medical College and Hospital.

Angry parents disinterred the hastily buried bodies of some of the victims and displayed them outside the school in protest. Demonstrators pelted a police station with stones, set ablaze buses and chanted slogans denouncing the state government.

India's free school meals programme is one of the biggest such schemes anywhere in the world, covering more than 100 million children. Prices of meat, fruit or fresh vegetables have soared in recent years, leaving parents in poorer families reliant on school lunches to ensure adequate levels of nutrition. But the scheme is plagued by waste and corruption, and incidents of poisoning are common - though they are rarely this serious.

Early tests showed that the food at the school may have been contaminated with pesticides used on rice and wheat crops in the area. Staff stopped serving the meal after children began vomiting.

A senior government health official in Delhi said one possibility was that ingredients had been stored too close to dangerous chemicals. "Washing before cooking would have made no difference," he told the Guardian.

Parents in Chapra first took their children to the rudimentary local health centre before they were transferred to local hospitals. Even in major metropolises India has no functioning ambulance service; in rural areas cars, rickshaws or even carts are used to carry the ill or injured.

Indian School Meal Poisoning: Food Contaminated With Pesticide

Unknown  |  at   3:41 pm  |  1 comment

Its such a very sad and unfortunate incident. Poor little children, leaders of tomorrow gone just like that. I can't imagine what the parents of these unfortunate kids are going through right now. May their souls rest in peace. Also the conditions that led to this horrible incident should be checked.

According to Guardian UK:
Doctors have been fighting to save a group of primary school children poisoned by their school lunch at a primary school in a poor rural area of eastern India yesterday.

Reports vary as to the number of those who have died but officials on Wednesday put the toll at 22, with another 25 in hospital, as well as the school cook. Three of the children were in serious condition, Associated Press reported.

The children, between the ages of five and 12, fell ill after eating the lunch, of rice and lentils, at the village of Chapra, in the poverty-stricken state of Bihar, on Tuesday. The meal is believed to have been contaminated with pesticides.

"We are trying hard to save the children admitted [here] but the condition of some of them remains critical," said Dr Amarkant Jha Amar, superintendent of the Patna Medical College and Hospital.

Angry parents disinterred the hastily buried bodies of some of the victims and displayed them outside the school in protest. Demonstrators pelted a police station with stones, set ablaze buses and chanted slogans denouncing the state government.

India's free school meals programme is one of the biggest such schemes anywhere in the world, covering more than 100 million children. Prices of meat, fruit or fresh vegetables have soared in recent years, leaving parents in poorer families reliant on school lunches to ensure adequate levels of nutrition. But the scheme is plagued by waste and corruption, and incidents of poisoning are common - though they are rarely this serious.

Early tests showed that the food at the school may have been contaminated with pesticides used on rice and wheat crops in the area. Staff stopped serving the meal after children began vomiting.

A senior government health official in Delhi said one possibility was that ingredients had been stored too close to dangerous chemicals. "Washing before cooking would have made no difference," he told the Guardian.

Parents in Chapra first took their children to the rudimentary local health centre before they were transferred to local hospitals. Even in major metropolises India has no functioning ambulance service; in rural areas cars, rickshaws or even carts are used to carry the ill or injured.
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Laying Demands On Your Calling - RCCG Open Heavens Devotion Thursday 18th July 2013, Spirituality, Daily Devotion, Bible Study

Memory Verse:
And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty. 2 Kings 1:10

2 Kings 1:9-12

(2 Kings 1:90) Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down.

(2 Kings 1:10) And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

(2 Kings 1:11) Again also he sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said unto him, O man of God, thus hath the king said, Come down quickly.

(2 Kings 1:12) And Elijah answered and said unto them, If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

Open Heavens Message
Every potential champion faces the risk of never becoming a champion. Becoming a champion is a process which involves a lot of effort on the part of the would-be champion; while it takes nothing – no effort on your part to die a potential champion. This is exemplified by Judas Iscariot. He was one of the very few portfolio holders in the ministry of Jesus. He was indeed a potential champion but because he never realised it, Satan deceived him, he lost his ministry and somebody else replaced him (Acts 1:15-20). This is one dangerous side of doing nothing about your potential: it will not only affect your destiny but it can also result in you being replaced. May you never be replaced in God’s end time plan. Revelation 3:11 says

“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”

The potential you do nothing about may be lost.

In 2 Kings 5:20-27, Elijah was called a man of God. Bearing such a title suggests that one has been with God for a long time. Consequently, people would have certain expectations of such a fellow. If you are a man or woman of God, or a divine champion, people will naturally expect to see the miraculous in your life and ministry because they believe you have the power that goes with the title or office. But do you? In 2 Kings 1:9-12, Elijah said if he is a man of God, then fire should come from Heaven to roast the soldiers and it happened immediately. Such a request lays a demand on the anointing and on the call of God upon a servant of God.

The truth is, not many servants of God can lay such a demand on their calling and receive expedited answer because they have lost the essence of their calling to compromise, sin or disobedience. When such a call is made, it is only God that can answer it depending on the individual’s present (not past) standing with God. God recognised and openly confirmed Elijah as His servant, can He do the same with you? When some people make such demands, they are put to shame. That shall not be your portion. It is possible to be a man of God and walk with God to the end. That was the case with Enoch (Hebrews 11:5); this will be said of you as well.

Prayer Point
If you are faithful to God, He will honour you when you lay a demand on your calling. But if you are not, be sensible enough not to make such demands

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 28-30

Laying Demands On Your Calling - RCCG Open Heavens Devotion Thursday 18th July 2013

Unknown  |  at   10:20 am  |  No comments

Laying Demands On Your Calling - RCCG Open Heavens Devotion Thursday 18th July 2013, Spirituality, Daily Devotion, Bible Study

Memory Verse:
And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty. 2 Kings 1:10

2 Kings 1:9-12

(2 Kings 1:90) Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down.

(2 Kings 1:10) And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

(2 Kings 1:11) Again also he sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said unto him, O man of God, thus hath the king said, Come down quickly.

(2 Kings 1:12) And Elijah answered and said unto them, If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

Open Heavens Message
Every potential champion faces the risk of never becoming a champion. Becoming a champion is a process which involves a lot of effort on the part of the would-be champion; while it takes nothing – no effort on your part to die a potential champion. This is exemplified by Judas Iscariot. He was one of the very few portfolio holders in the ministry of Jesus. He was indeed a potential champion but because he never realised it, Satan deceived him, he lost his ministry and somebody else replaced him (Acts 1:15-20). This is one dangerous side of doing nothing about your potential: it will not only affect your destiny but it can also result in you being replaced. May you never be replaced in God’s end time plan. Revelation 3:11 says

“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”

The potential you do nothing about may be lost.

In 2 Kings 5:20-27, Elijah was called a man of God. Bearing such a title suggests that one has been with God for a long time. Consequently, people would have certain expectations of such a fellow. If you are a man or woman of God, or a divine champion, people will naturally expect to see the miraculous in your life and ministry because they believe you have the power that goes with the title or office. But do you? In 2 Kings 1:9-12, Elijah said if he is a man of God, then fire should come from Heaven to roast the soldiers and it happened immediately. Such a request lays a demand on the anointing and on the call of God upon a servant of God.

The truth is, not many servants of God can lay such a demand on their calling and receive expedited answer because they have lost the essence of their calling to compromise, sin or disobedience. When such a call is made, it is only God that can answer it depending on the individual’s present (not past) standing with God. God recognised and openly confirmed Elijah as His servant, can He do the same with you? When some people make such demands, they are put to shame. That shall not be your portion. It is possible to be a man of God and walk with God to the end. That was the case with Enoch (Hebrews 11:5); this will be said of you as well.

Prayer Point
If you are faithful to God, He will honour you when you lay a demand on your calling. But if you are not, be sensible enough not to make such demands

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 28-30
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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

I want to believe we all know what body piercing is, hence multiple body piercing. Any part of the body is a veritable site for piercing to lovers of body piercing. Let's see how most Nigerians react to multiple body piercing.

“Let us forget about fashion, any decent Nigerian girl won't punch holes all over her body. If you see body piercings all around on a girl then she is a slut or some runs chic”

The quote above is the average sentiment of most Nigerians towards body piercing both male and female based on responses on the issue. Yeah some would say Never Judge A Book By Its Cover. The natural opposing response to that is You Are Addressed The Way You Dress. There are some morally offensive dress codes generally associated solely with prostitutes, they usually employ these indecent dressings and accessories to attract patronage. So no right thinking decent will want to dress like unless that’s your true nature.

What About The Health Benefits Or Implication Of Multiples Body Piercing?
There is no health benefits whatsoever associated with multiple body piercing. Rather, it often comes with numerous diverse health implications or issues. Major complication is granulomatous responses, melanomas and basal cell carcinomas. Other hazards from body piercing include:
  1. Blood poisoning
  2. Localised severe swelling and trauma around the piercing site
  3. Scarring (Kelooids)
  4. Localised infection like Hepatitis
  5. Allergic reactions to metals and antiseptics
  6. Severe bleeding, etc.
Sample Opinions Of Others From Nairaland
“I can't judge a book by its cover but even as a girl I'm guilty of looking at someone with multiple piercings as irresponsible. But then again the way you dress is the way you'll be addressed, no matter how decent they are, I don't think anyone with piercings will be taken seriously”

“If it is not your people's culture to ‘multi-pierce’, refrain from adopting it. Such mundane fantasies will do you more harm than good. I hate multiple body piercings. Especially in the nose. It looks like snot. I no! Back in university, I had d exact same piercing in the pic. I no no who send me message o! Exploring tinz. Na in I go chook bar for nose, gawd! Painful and It NEVER heals!!!! I had to take that shyte out. Never again! At least i dint go extreme with mine unlike mi sis. Trust me u don’t wanna no d amount of butchering she pack. Nips, nose, lips etc.”

“Okay here is the thing, I often see Nigerian girls with multiple ear piercings (three and above) as slightly "cheap" girls or girls with easy values!... I know I may be wrong about some but all the bad chicks I know have a minimum of two piercings!!.... (And I know a lot of bad chicks oh). Right from university days, I started noticing that the more piercings they have, the more "sluttty" they are. So do you agree that Nigerian girls with multiple ear piercing are more often than not, wayward? Is it just me or do you all also feel same way or at least notice more wayward tendencies in multiply pierced chicks”

“Piercings aren’t a clear indication of personality type. Some girls just like how they look, so they get them. Trends are trends if you know what I mean”

“I can't tell for sure. But sincerely having multiple body piercing and stuffs turns me off big time.... That's just me anyway, who cares.”

“When I go round offices, I see girls who are mature and looking for marriage with multiple piercings on the ear but one earing and trying to hide the other holes. One of them told me once that it was just a childish mistake she made in the university. I bet if anyone would believe her. When will women learn that most compliments that men pay them are not from the bottom of their hearts? Men, most times compliment ladies because it makes them feel good and guarantees the man easier access to her "London". Men are always like: "what the heck, she is not my sister or wife". Ladies, please grow some brain”

“I grew up in the northern part of Nigeria and it’s not a big deal, (teenagers pierce a lot here) I have four pierces on my ears but I make use of just two.”

“Though not econometrically proven, I however believe that women with multiple body piercings especially when it's beyond two, look whorish, or at least have the tendency to be.”

Why would any girl insert 4 holes in her ears!!! Just because it’s cool! Naija men will treat you like a LovePeddler! #fact”

“I think MOST girls that have multiple piercing are not bad some do it because of culture while some do it for fashion but seriously i don’t see the sense in multiple piercing it doesn’t boost your appearance more than one piercing does...but if some girls think it is cool they might as well pierce their whole face in the name of fashion.”

“Body Piercing should not be used to judge someone. Some people like fashion and they remain decent. Some girls don’t were jewelries doesn’t make them decent either. Fashion trend and decency have links but are two different things.”

“Any form of body modification is a huge turn off to me. Let us forget about fashion, any decent Nigerian girl won't punch holes all over her body. If you see pierces all around on a girl then she is a slut or some runs chic.”

Personal Opinion
I grew up like most Nigerians in an environment where girls get only one ear piercing and boys don’t. deeper Life Church members don’t even pierce their ears, it’s against their doctrine.

Then piercing and inking was strictly the stock and trade of prostitutes. I repeat strictly the lifestyle of prostitutes. These piercings and inking most times is a sign of membership to a certain whore clique.

But I know better now. Most people are very eccentric with fashion. They want to be “trendy” or set the trend. Having multiple piercings doesn’t mean the person is a whore. Nevertheless the childhood knowledge imbibed is still inside me and can’t be ignored completely.

Having excessive body piercings and excessive inking of one’s body is a major turn off for me. That’s just me though.

General experience and sentiments about multiple body piercing was rooted in age long practice of prostitutes in Nigeria. They popularized it first before entertainers and showbiz industry splashed it around in music videos and also through their lifestyle. Like most goods and services, multiple body piercing is an imported lifestyle except for a few clans in the northern part of Nigeria.

Cultural Stereotype: Why Multiple Body Piercing Appear Whorish To Most Nigerians

Unknown  |  at   5:29 am  |  No comments

I want to believe we all know what body piercing is, hence multiple body piercing. Any part of the body is a veritable site for piercing to lovers of body piercing. Let's see how most Nigerians react to multiple body piercing.

“Let us forget about fashion, any decent Nigerian girl won't punch holes all over her body. If you see body piercings all around on a girl then she is a slut or some runs chic”

The quote above is the average sentiment of most Nigerians towards body piercing both male and female based on responses on the issue. Yeah some would say Never Judge A Book By Its Cover. The natural opposing response to that is You Are Addressed The Way You Dress. There are some morally offensive dress codes generally associated solely with prostitutes, they usually employ these indecent dressings and accessories to attract patronage. So no right thinking decent will want to dress like unless that’s your true nature.

What About The Health Benefits Or Implication Of Multiples Body Piercing?
There is no health benefits whatsoever associated with multiple body piercing. Rather, it often comes with numerous diverse health implications or issues. Major complication is granulomatous responses, melanomas and basal cell carcinomas. Other hazards from body piercing include:
  1. Blood poisoning
  2. Localised severe swelling and trauma around the piercing site
  3. Scarring (Kelooids)
  4. Localised infection like Hepatitis
  5. Allergic reactions to metals and antiseptics
  6. Severe bleeding, etc.
Sample Opinions Of Others From Nairaland
“I can't judge a book by its cover but even as a girl I'm guilty of looking at someone with multiple piercings as irresponsible. But then again the way you dress is the way you'll be addressed, no matter how decent they are, I don't think anyone with piercings will be taken seriously”

“If it is not your people's culture to ‘multi-pierce’, refrain from adopting it. Such mundane fantasies will do you more harm than good. I hate multiple body piercings. Especially in the nose. It looks like snot. I no! Back in university, I had d exact same piercing in the pic. I no no who send me message o! Exploring tinz. Na in I go chook bar for nose, gawd! Painful and It NEVER heals!!!! I had to take that shyte out. Never again! At least i dint go extreme with mine unlike mi sis. Trust me u don’t wanna no d amount of butchering she pack. Nips, nose, lips etc.”

“Okay here is the thing, I often see Nigerian girls with multiple ear piercings (three and above) as slightly "cheap" girls or girls with easy values!... I know I may be wrong about some but all the bad chicks I know have a minimum of two piercings!!.... (And I know a lot of bad chicks oh). Right from university days, I started noticing that the more piercings they have, the more "sluttty" they are. So do you agree that Nigerian girls with multiple ear piercing are more often than not, wayward? Is it just me or do you all also feel same way or at least notice more wayward tendencies in multiply pierced chicks”

“Piercings aren’t a clear indication of personality type. Some girls just like how they look, so they get them. Trends are trends if you know what I mean”

“I can't tell for sure. But sincerely having multiple body piercing and stuffs turns me off big time.... That's just me anyway, who cares.”

“When I go round offices, I see girls who are mature and looking for marriage with multiple piercings on the ear but one earing and trying to hide the other holes. One of them told me once that it was just a childish mistake she made in the university. I bet if anyone would believe her. When will women learn that most compliments that men pay them are not from the bottom of their hearts? Men, most times compliment ladies because it makes them feel good and guarantees the man easier access to her "London". Men are always like: "what the heck, she is not my sister or wife". Ladies, please grow some brain”

“I grew up in the northern part of Nigeria and it’s not a big deal, (teenagers pierce a lot here) I have four pierces on my ears but I make use of just two.”

“Though not econometrically proven, I however believe that women with multiple body piercings especially when it's beyond two, look whorish, or at least have the tendency to be.”

Why would any girl insert 4 holes in her ears!!! Just because it’s cool! Naija men will treat you like a LovePeddler! #fact”

“I think MOST girls that have multiple piercing are not bad some do it because of culture while some do it for fashion but seriously i don’t see the sense in multiple piercing it doesn’t boost your appearance more than one piercing does...but if some girls think it is cool they might as well pierce their whole face in the name of fashion.”

“Body Piercing should not be used to judge someone. Some people like fashion and they remain decent. Some girls don’t were jewelries doesn’t make them decent either. Fashion trend and decency have links but are two different things.”

“Any form of body modification is a huge turn off to me. Let us forget about fashion, any decent Nigerian girl won't punch holes all over her body. If you see pierces all around on a girl then she is a slut or some runs chic.”

Personal Opinion
I grew up like most Nigerians in an environment where girls get only one ear piercing and boys don’t. deeper Life Church members don’t even pierce their ears, it’s against their doctrine.

Then piercing and inking was strictly the stock and trade of prostitutes. I repeat strictly the lifestyle of prostitutes. These piercings and inking most times is a sign of membership to a certain whore clique.

But I know better now. Most people are very eccentric with fashion. They want to be “trendy” or set the trend. Having multiple piercings doesn’t mean the person is a whore. Nevertheless the childhood knowledge imbibed is still inside me and can’t be ignored completely.

Having excessive body piercings and excessive inking of one’s body is a major turn off for me. That’s just me though.

General experience and sentiments about multiple body piercing was rooted in age long practice of prostitutes in Nigeria. They popularized it first before entertainers and showbiz industry splashed it around in music videos and also through their lifestyle. Like most goods and services, multiple body piercing is an imported lifestyle except for a few clans in the northern part of Nigeria.
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I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: 1 Corinthians 9:26

1 Corinthians 9:25-27

Open Heavens Message
“And Delilah said to Samson, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee.”
Judges 16:6

If you want to bring down your enemy and your focus is on an area where he is strong, it may take you quite a while to get him. Usually, the enemy focuses on the weaknesses of those he wants to get. In the game of boxing, the same is true. If you are planning to take on an opponent, you will immediately commence detailed enquiry on the fellow. You would want to have video recordings of previous fights he has had. You will want to also know if he has ever been wounded in a fight before and the exact location on his body.

Once you get this scar, your focus will be how to reopen the wound through concentrated heavy blows. If you can do this, you will secure cheap victory. No wonder Paul was successful in his battles against the kingdom of darkness. In 1 Corinthians 9:26, Paul says
“I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air”.

Just as the devil studies you in order to identify your weaknesses before drawing out his game plan, so also must you study the devil and his cohorts to identify their weaknesses and limitations so as to know how to contain them. Know that your enemies have weak points too! They have scars from battles they fought and lost to believers of every age. If you know these weaknesses, they will hardly take you unawares. To discover these, search the scriptures regularly. Carefully study the different times the enemy tempted people but failed. Also find out how they succeeded in tempting others who fell into temptation.

One weakness of your enemy is that even though he can mobilise his forces to besiege his target for a period of time, God does not allow him to sustain that situation of siege forever. Satan may be patient but he does not have the ability to sustain that patience for too long. This is why you must not just resist him, but continue to resist him until he tires. You can wear out your enemy! In a temptation or a trial situation, never give up until the tempter gives up. Every time he tempts you on that situation, repeatedly say No to him. If you continue to say No, God will give you more strength, and before long, you will be triumphant.

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 25-27

Key Point
If you can study your enemies very well, you will know how to defeat them repeatedly.

Watch Enemy's Weaknesses - RCCG Open Heavens Devotion Wednesday 17th July 2013

Unknown  |  at   5:29 am  |  No comments


I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: 1 Corinthians 9:26

1 Corinthians 9:25-27

Open Heavens Message
“And Delilah said to Samson, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee.”
Judges 16:6

If you want to bring down your enemy and your focus is on an area where he is strong, it may take you quite a while to get him. Usually, the enemy focuses on the weaknesses of those he wants to get. In the game of boxing, the same is true. If you are planning to take on an opponent, you will immediately commence detailed enquiry on the fellow. You would want to have video recordings of previous fights he has had. You will want to also know if he has ever been wounded in a fight before and the exact location on his body.

Once you get this scar, your focus will be how to reopen the wound through concentrated heavy blows. If you can do this, you will secure cheap victory. No wonder Paul was successful in his battles against the kingdom of darkness. In 1 Corinthians 9:26, Paul says
“I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air”.

Just as the devil studies you in order to identify your weaknesses before drawing out his game plan, so also must you study the devil and his cohorts to identify their weaknesses and limitations so as to know how to contain them. Know that your enemies have weak points too! They have scars from battles they fought and lost to believers of every age. If you know these weaknesses, they will hardly take you unawares. To discover these, search the scriptures regularly. Carefully study the different times the enemy tempted people but failed. Also find out how they succeeded in tempting others who fell into temptation.

One weakness of your enemy is that even though he can mobilise his forces to besiege his target for a period of time, God does not allow him to sustain that situation of siege forever. Satan may be patient but he does not have the ability to sustain that patience for too long. This is why you must not just resist him, but continue to resist him until he tires. You can wear out your enemy! In a temptation or a trial situation, never give up until the tempter gives up. Every time he tempts you on that situation, repeatedly say No to him. If you continue to say No, God will give you more strength, and before long, you will be triumphant.

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 25-27

Key Point
If you can study your enemies very well, you will know how to defeat them repeatedly.
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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

'It is with a heavy heart that we share with all of you that Talia has earned her wings at 11:22am. Please lift her beautiful soul, her beautiful light to heaven.'

That was the message posted on her Facebook page today of the Florida teen. Talia Joy Castellano amazed and inspired and millions of others with the simple, mature and inspirational manner she handled her terminal illness at her age. I admired her so much.

In an interview with her last October on her eponymous daytime show, Ms DeGeneres stopped to say:
'You really are quite something. There's a depth to your soul that is not a 13-year-old soul. You’re an old soul and you are very special and amazing, and I’m so honored that you wanted to meet me and that I got to meet you.'
That more than the truth. She was too mature for her age.

Since the news broke dozens of fans have taken to Twitter to offer their condolences including Ellen DeGeneres, Miley Cyrus, Kendall Jenner and Justin Bieber.

In one of her YouTube tutorials Talia explained that she didn't wear wigs because they made her feel 'fake and 'just not me'.  Instead, she used make-up as a confidence booster and her upbeat and entertaining video tutorials went on to attract millions of hits.

Rest in peace Talia Joy Castellano. We will never forget you. We will never forget how you gallantly and the strength you gave many to fight. Once again R.I.P. Talia Joy Castellano

R.I.P. Talia Joy Castellano: You Fought An Inspirational Cancer Fight

Unknown  |  at   9:03 pm  |  2 comments

'It is with a heavy heart that we share with all of you that Talia has earned her wings at 11:22am. Please lift her beautiful soul, her beautiful light to heaven.'

That was the message posted on her Facebook page today of the Florida teen. Talia Joy Castellano amazed and inspired and millions of others with the simple, mature and inspirational manner she handled her terminal illness at her age. I admired her so much.

In an interview with her last October on her eponymous daytime show, Ms DeGeneres stopped to say:
'You really are quite something. There's a depth to your soul that is not a 13-year-old soul. You’re an old soul and you are very special and amazing, and I’m so honored that you wanted to meet me and that I got to meet you.'
That more than the truth. She was too mature for her age.

Since the news broke dozens of fans have taken to Twitter to offer their condolences including Ellen DeGeneres, Miley Cyrus, Kendall Jenner and Justin Bieber.

In one of her YouTube tutorials Talia explained that she didn't wear wigs because they made her feel 'fake and 'just not me'.  Instead, she used make-up as a confidence booster and her upbeat and entertaining video tutorials went on to attract millions of hits.

Rest in peace Talia Joy Castellano. We will never forget you. We will never forget how you gallantly and the strength you gave many to fight. Once again R.I.P. Talia Joy Castellano

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Asiana Airline To Sue KTVU-TV Over Fake Racially Offensive Names Of Asiana Pilots
A few days ago we brought you the report about published fake racially offensive names of Asiana pilot names.  Well Asiana Airline didn’t find it funny neither did we. Asiana said Monday 15th july 2013 that it will sue a San Francisco TV station that damaged the airline's reputation by using bogus and racially offensive names for four pilots on a plane that crashed earlier this month in San Francisco.

Fake Racially Offensive Names Of Asiana Pilots

An anchor for KTVU-TV read the names on the air Friday and then apologized after a break. The report was accompanied by a graphic with the phony names listed alongside a photo of the burned-out plane that had crashed at San Francisco International Airport on July 6, killing three and injuring dozens.

Video of the report has spread widely across the Internet since it was broadcast. The National Transportation Safety Board has also apologized, saying a summer intern erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew.

Asiana has decided to sue KTVU-TV to "strongly respond to its racially discriminatory report" that disparaged Asians, Asiana spokeswoman Lee Hyomin said. She said the airline will likely file suit in U.S. courts. She said the report seriously damaged Asiana's reputation. Asiana hasn't determined whether to launch a similar suit against the NTSB, Lee said.

Tom Raponi, KTVU Vice President & General Manager, said in a statement that KTVU would not be making any further comment because of the airline's threat of a lawsuit.

Neither the station nor the NTSB has said where the names originated.

Asiana Airline To Sue KTVU-TV Over Fake Racially Offensive Names Of Asiana Pilots

Unknown  |  at   8:36 pm  |  No comments

Asiana Airline To Sue KTVU-TV Over Fake Racially Offensive Names Of Asiana Pilots
A few days ago we brought you the report about published fake racially offensive names of Asiana pilot names.  Well Asiana Airline didn’t find it funny neither did we. Asiana said Monday 15th july 2013 that it will sue a San Francisco TV station that damaged the airline's reputation by using bogus and racially offensive names for four pilots on a plane that crashed earlier this month in San Francisco.

Fake Racially Offensive Names Of Asiana Pilots

An anchor for KTVU-TV read the names on the air Friday and then apologized after a break. The report was accompanied by a graphic with the phony names listed alongside a photo of the burned-out plane that had crashed at San Francisco International Airport on July 6, killing three and injuring dozens.

Video of the report has spread widely across the Internet since it was broadcast. The National Transportation Safety Board has also apologized, saying a summer intern erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew.

Asiana has decided to sue KTVU-TV to "strongly respond to its racially discriminatory report" that disparaged Asians, Asiana spokeswoman Lee Hyomin said. She said the airline will likely file suit in U.S. courts. She said the report seriously damaged Asiana's reputation. Asiana hasn't determined whether to launch a similar suit against the NTSB, Lee said.

Tom Raponi, KTVU Vice President & General Manager, said in a statement that KTVU would not be making any further comment because of the airline's threat of a lawsuit.

Neither the station nor the NTSB has said where the names originated.

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