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Friday, 2 August 2013

Who Do You Fear? – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 2nd August 2013

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25

Proverbs 29:25-27
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25

Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment cometh from the LORD. Proverbs 29:26

An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked. Proverbs 29:27

Open Heavens Message
The favourites of God often share similarities with eagle. One outstanding trait of the eagle is its ability to see its enemy coming long before it arrives, and as a result, decide on how to deal with it. Usually, when a snake is about to penetrate the nest of an eagle, the latter would have seen it earlier. The eagle will wait for the right moment to strike. Without warning, it will strike by grabbing it by the neck, take it to a great height and drop it from there. This will lead to the death of the snake.

As a favourite of God, when the enemies are planning their evil attack, the Lord will reveal it to you so that you will know how to handle your enemies. How often does God forewarn you of the plans of your enemies? When Herod was seeking the life of baby Jesus, Joseph was warned. If you hardly ever get divine warning about the scheme of your enemies, it is doubtful if you are God’s favourite. It simply means you need to work on your relationship with God.

In addition, the favourite of God enjoys divine security which leads to unusual boldness. Hence, Proverbs 28:1 says such believer have the boldness you find in lions. If you are a divine favourite, you will fear no man but God. Proverbs 29:25 says,

“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.”

Whenever you are afraid of a man, you will definitely fall into a pit. There is a link between the fear of man and snares. If you carry out a fact-finding quest on those who found themselves in one trap or another, you will discover that majority of them got there because they were afraid of somebody or some persons. The fear of the Israelites made king Saul to be rejected.

If you are afraid of offending men because you do not want to be sacked, spoken against or prosecuted, you will definitely offend God. Men are not to be feared but loved, respected or honoured. God is the only one you should fear. God’s favourites do not care about the opinions of men but about what God thinks about them. What do you fear?

Bible In One Year:
Lamentation 3-5

Action Point
Ask God to help you grow in love and in the fear of God.

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Who Do You Fear? – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 2nd August 2013

Unknown  |  at   3:34 am  |  No comments

Who Do You Fear? – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 2nd August 2013

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25

Proverbs 29:25-27
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25

Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment cometh from the LORD. Proverbs 29:26

An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked. Proverbs 29:27

Open Heavens Message
The favourites of God often share similarities with eagle. One outstanding trait of the eagle is its ability to see its enemy coming long before it arrives, and as a result, decide on how to deal with it. Usually, when a snake is about to penetrate the nest of an eagle, the latter would have seen it earlier. The eagle will wait for the right moment to strike. Without warning, it will strike by grabbing it by the neck, take it to a great height and drop it from there. This will lead to the death of the snake.

As a favourite of God, when the enemies are planning their evil attack, the Lord will reveal it to you so that you will know how to handle your enemies. How often does God forewarn you of the plans of your enemies? When Herod was seeking the life of baby Jesus, Joseph was warned. If you hardly ever get divine warning about the scheme of your enemies, it is doubtful if you are God’s favourite. It simply means you need to work on your relationship with God.

In addition, the favourite of God enjoys divine security which leads to unusual boldness. Hence, Proverbs 28:1 says such believer have the boldness you find in lions. If you are a divine favourite, you will fear no man but God. Proverbs 29:25 says,

“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.”

Whenever you are afraid of a man, you will definitely fall into a pit. There is a link between the fear of man and snares. If you carry out a fact-finding quest on those who found themselves in one trap or another, you will discover that majority of them got there because they were afraid of somebody or some persons. The fear of the Israelites made king Saul to be rejected.

If you are afraid of offending men because you do not want to be sacked, spoken against or prosecuted, you will definitely offend God. Men are not to be feared but loved, respected or honoured. God is the only one you should fear. God’s favourites do not care about the opinions of men but about what God thinks about them. What do you fear?

Bible In One Year:
Lamentation 3-5

Action Point
Ask God to help you grow in love and in the fear of God.

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Latest 2Go Goword Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers Part 1
Latest 2Go Goword Game Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers.

This is a random post of one of my leisure activity. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 'Work hard and play hard' is my motto. I love word games like scrabble, crossword puzzle, hangman, etc. I played 2Go goword game before die-hard, killjoy anagram cheat users spoilt the fun. So I quit playing 2Go gowords but I didn't discard my collection of 2Go goword tested and scoring word combos. Since gowords was the only reason I log on to 2Go I removed the app from my phone entirely. If you want to be a really good 2go goword player, this article is part of what you need. But if you are a lazy axx, brainless, low or no IQ douchebag anagram cheat user, then this words combo treasure is not for you.

There are lots of correct English word combos but they don't score in the 2Go goword game. This comprehensive list of premium tested and scoring goword word combos is a gold mine for any true goword game player who wants increase his game, hi score and knowledge of words generally. I'm giving out this carefully  and most-sort-after list of tested and scoring 2Go goword combos out for free. I like to appeal to anagram cheat users on 2Go goword to please use their brain and fingers for once and stop killing the fun in the game.

By the way, I just took a snapshot of a 2go goword game now, I'm not Mightiest*1 nor do I know who the gamer is.

The 2Go Goword tested and working word combos are listed below;

7 Words
SPACER pacers, capers, crapes, parsec, scrape, recaps
SPEAR spare, rapes, reaps, pears, parse, pares

6 Words
ASPIRER praiser, parries, repairs, raspier, rapiers
SEPAL leaps, lapse, pleas, peals, pales
PLATES pleats, palest, staple, pastel, petals
RETAINS anstier, nastier, retinas, retsina, stainer
ANGRIEST ganister, gantries, ingrates, granites, rangiest
DELTAS desalt, lasted, salted, slated, staled
MISTER mitres, merits, remits, timers, smiter
TRANCE canter, recant, cretan, nectar, carnet
TRACE caret, crate, carte, cater, react
TEASER easter, seater, reseat, eaters teresa
PHRASE phaser, seraph, shaper sharpe, sherpa
DRAPES padres, parsed, rasped, spared, spread
PASTE pates, peats, septa, spate, tapes
ATTIRES artiest, tastier, artiste, striate, iratest

5 Words
TRIANGLE alerting, altering, relating, integral
LOOPS polos, pools, sloop, spool
GRENADE angered, enraged, grandee, derange
SIREN rinse, resin, reins, risen
PIERS pries, prise, ripes, spire
STATER taster, taters, tetras, treats
ASCOT coast, coats, costa, tacos
PORES poser, prose, ropes, spore
RESULT ulster, rustle, lustre, sutler
PARTIES pirates, piastre, traipse, pastier
STONER, toners, tenors, nestor, tensor
BLAMER ramble, ambler, lamber, marble
PARLEYS parsley, players, replays, sparely
ERNEST nester, tenser, resent, enters
RESTRAIN retrains, trainers, strainer, terrains
RESORT roster, sorter, storer, torres
RITES resit, tries, tires, tiers
STORIED editors, sortied, steroid, triodes
STORED sorted, strode, doters, dorset
RETESTS, testers, tersest, streets, setters
ORGANISED argonised, grandiose, dragonise, organdise
DERAIL laired, railed, redial, relaid
DEARTHS hardest, hatreds, threads, trashed
ANGRIER earring, grainer, rangier, rearing
ANDREW darwen, wander, warden, warned
DRAWER redraw, reward, warder, warred
ERODING groined, ignored, negroid, redoing
SKATE, stake, steak, takes, teaks
ENLIST inlets, listen, silent, tinsel

More will be posted later. For those who want to be good goword players, this list of tested and scoring 2Go Goword word combos is your best source of learning and becoming a pro.

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Latest 2Go Goword Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers Part 1

Unknown  |  at   3:05 am  |  3 comments

Latest 2Go Goword Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers Part 1
Latest 2Go Goword Game Tested And Scoring Word Combos For Goword Gamers.

This is a random post of one of my leisure activity. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 'Work hard and play hard' is my motto. I love word games like scrabble, crossword puzzle, hangman, etc. I played 2Go goword game before die-hard, killjoy anagram cheat users spoilt the fun. So I quit playing 2Go gowords but I didn't discard my collection of 2Go goword tested and scoring word combos. Since gowords was the only reason I log on to 2Go I removed the app from my phone entirely. If you want to be a really good 2go goword player, this article is part of what you need. But if you are a lazy axx, brainless, low or no IQ douchebag anagram cheat user, then this words combo treasure is not for you.

There are lots of correct English word combos but they don't score in the 2Go goword game. This comprehensive list of premium tested and scoring goword word combos is a gold mine for any true goword game player who wants increase his game, hi score and knowledge of words generally. I'm giving out this carefully  and most-sort-after list of tested and scoring 2Go goword combos out for free. I like to appeal to anagram cheat users on 2Go goword to please use their brain and fingers for once and stop killing the fun in the game.

By the way, I just took a snapshot of a 2go goword game now, I'm not Mightiest*1 nor do I know who the gamer is.

The 2Go Goword tested and working word combos are listed below;

7 Words
SPACER pacers, capers, crapes, parsec, scrape, recaps
SPEAR spare, rapes, reaps, pears, parse, pares

6 Words
ASPIRER praiser, parries, repairs, raspier, rapiers
SEPAL leaps, lapse, pleas, peals, pales
PLATES pleats, palest, staple, pastel, petals
RETAINS anstier, nastier, retinas, retsina, stainer
ANGRIEST ganister, gantries, ingrates, granites, rangiest
DELTAS desalt, lasted, salted, slated, staled
MISTER mitres, merits, remits, timers, smiter
TRANCE canter, recant, cretan, nectar, carnet
TRACE caret, crate, carte, cater, react
TEASER easter, seater, reseat, eaters teresa
PHRASE phaser, seraph, shaper sharpe, sherpa
DRAPES padres, parsed, rasped, spared, spread
PASTE pates, peats, septa, spate, tapes
ATTIRES artiest, tastier, artiste, striate, iratest

5 Words
TRIANGLE alerting, altering, relating, integral
LOOPS polos, pools, sloop, spool
GRENADE angered, enraged, grandee, derange
SIREN rinse, resin, reins, risen
PIERS pries, prise, ripes, spire
STATER taster, taters, tetras, treats
ASCOT coast, coats, costa, tacos
PORES poser, prose, ropes, spore
RESULT ulster, rustle, lustre, sutler
PARTIES pirates, piastre, traipse, pastier
STONER, toners, tenors, nestor, tensor
BLAMER ramble, ambler, lamber, marble
PARLEYS parsley, players, replays, sparely
ERNEST nester, tenser, resent, enters
RESTRAIN retrains, trainers, strainer, terrains
RESORT roster, sorter, storer, torres
RITES resit, tries, tires, tiers
STORIED editors, sortied, steroid, triodes
STORED sorted, strode, doters, dorset
RETESTS, testers, tersest, streets, setters
ORGANISED argonised, grandiose, dragonise, organdise
DERAIL laired, railed, redial, relaid
DEARTHS hardest, hatreds, threads, trashed
ANGRIER earring, grainer, rangier, rearing
ANDREW darwen, wander, warden, warned
DRAWER redraw, reward, warder, warred
ERODING groined, ignored, negroid, redoing
SKATE, stake, steak, takes, teaks
ENLIST inlets, listen, silent, tinsel

More will be posted later. For those who want to be good goword players, this list of tested and scoring 2Go Goword word combos is your best source of learning and becoming a pro.

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Thursday, 1 August 2013

Hiarious! Learn Our Lord's Prayer From A Nigerian Ajepako Boy
Lord hears all languages, races and ages. Here's a hilarious video of a little Nigerian Ajepako Boy saying the Lord's prayer the best way he knows. Yeah I know his version is hilarious, he just talked with his father in heaven, that's what matters. Well most of us started like this till we got it better. I know there was a particular line in the Nigerian National Anthem and Pledge that I got wrong for a long time. You need to ajepako version of the Nigerian national anthem and pledge lol.

Watch the prayer below.

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Hiarious! Learn Our Lord's Prayer From A Nigerian Ajepako Boy

Unknown  |  at   8:57 am  |  No comments

Hiarious! Learn Our Lord's Prayer From A Nigerian Ajepako Boy
Lord hears all languages, races and ages. Here's a hilarious video of a little Nigerian Ajepako Boy saying the Lord's prayer the best way he knows. Yeah I know his version is hilarious, he just talked with his father in heaven, that's what matters. Well most of us started like this till we got it better. I know there was a particular line in the Nigerian National Anthem and Pledge that I got wrong for a long time. You need to ajepako version of the Nigerian national anthem and pledge lol.

Watch the prayer below.

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Power In The Blood – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 1st August 2013

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28

Matthew 26:26-28
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. Matthew 26:26

And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; Matthew 26:27

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28

Open Heavens Message
Wrong use of the tongue can be so destructive that it can forever severe one’s link with the Saviour in a situation such as blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. May this never be your portion in Jesus name. However, avoid everything that attracts you into sin as they are targeted at breaking your link with the Vine. Just feeding your eyes lustfully for a few minutes on pornographic materials and websites could have the end result of breaking the tree-branch relationship that exists between Jesus and you.

At the first Holy Communion service with the disciples, the Lord said,

“For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”
Matthew 26:28

In other words, He was saying that if you have been detached from the Vine and already withering, when you reconcile with God and receive the blood, you will be revived. The blood is so powerful that it can flush out every stranger hibernating in your body. Matthew 15:13 says,

“But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up”.

The doctors will tell you that one reason you bleed after cutting your skin is because the body system recognizes that once there is an opening in the body, strangers can come in; so the blood rushes out to prevent strangers from coming in. Is there any contamination in your system? It shall be uprooted. Every virus, germ or bacteria hibernating in your system shall die and be flushed out as you partake of the blood of Jesus Christ made available through the Holy Communion. Revelation 12 :11 says the blood of Jesus can give you victory over the devil.

As you partake of the Holy Communion, key into it in faith and receive your victory over forces of darkness. As soon as the sick branch is healed, it begins to bear fruit again (John 15:5). Are you a sick branch? Or have you become detached through compromising with sin? Repent from your heart, dump that sin that broke you away from the Vine and reconnect today. If you are not yet born-again, it means you have never been connected to the Lover of your soul. Confess your sins, forsake them and invite Jesus Christ into your heart and confess Him as your Lord. As you do so, you will be attached to the Vine.

Bible In One Year:
Lamentation 1-2

Action Point
The blood of Jesus was under utilised by believers today. Apply this blood on every area of life, using it to attack every opposition you are facing.

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Power In The Blood – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 1st August 2013

Unknown  |  at   6:36 am  |  No comments

Power In The Blood – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 1st August 2013

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28

Matthew 26:26-28
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. Matthew 26:26

And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; Matthew 26:27

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:28

Open Heavens Message
Wrong use of the tongue can be so destructive that it can forever severe one’s link with the Saviour in a situation such as blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. May this never be your portion in Jesus name. However, avoid everything that attracts you into sin as they are targeted at breaking your link with the Vine. Just feeding your eyes lustfully for a few minutes on pornographic materials and websites could have the end result of breaking the tree-branch relationship that exists between Jesus and you.

At the first Holy Communion service with the disciples, the Lord said,

“For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”
Matthew 26:28

In other words, He was saying that if you have been detached from the Vine and already withering, when you reconcile with God and receive the blood, you will be revived. The blood is so powerful that it can flush out every stranger hibernating in your body. Matthew 15:13 says,

“But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up”.

The doctors will tell you that one reason you bleed after cutting your skin is because the body system recognizes that once there is an opening in the body, strangers can come in; so the blood rushes out to prevent strangers from coming in. Is there any contamination in your system? It shall be uprooted. Every virus, germ or bacteria hibernating in your system shall die and be flushed out as you partake of the blood of Jesus Christ made available through the Holy Communion. Revelation 12 :11 says the blood of Jesus can give you victory over the devil.

As you partake of the Holy Communion, key into it in faith and receive your victory over forces of darkness. As soon as the sick branch is healed, it begins to bear fruit again (John 15:5). Are you a sick branch? Or have you become detached through compromising with sin? Repent from your heart, dump that sin that broke you away from the Vine and reconnect today. If you are not yet born-again, it means you have never been connected to the Lover of your soul. Confess your sins, forsake them and invite Jesus Christ into your heart and confess Him as your Lord. As you do so, you will be attached to the Vine.

Bible In One Year:
Lamentation 1-2

Action Point
The blood of Jesus was under utilised by believers today. Apply this blood on every area of life, using it to attack every opposition you are facing.

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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Healthy Living Tips: 5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Orgasm
5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Orgasm

Only humans and dolphins engage in sex strictly for pleasure, the rest do it solely for procreation. The pleasure to enjoyed for most adults in the end game which is orgasm. That short pleasure explosion moment can be unforgettable or simple forgotten if not done properly. Besides this pleasure, orgasm has 5 surprising health benefits.

Today is National Orgasm Day, and to celebrate we're giving you Health reasons why you should be taking a joyride to "Orgasmland" more often.

A number of international studies have spanned the entire sexual spectrum: from the emotional benefits of kissing and cuddling to the longer-lasting benefits of having 200 Orgasms a year. But what about the less-widely known biological benefits of the human orgasm?

Healthy Choice-Making
For years, pop culture has projected lighting up a cigarette to be a ubiquitous post-coital ritual, but some studies show that orgasms can act as a regulator when it comes to appetite and cravings.

Throughout intercourse, the body produces phenethylamine, a natural amphetamine that may help to reduce cravings for junk food, cigarettes and overeating.

Preventative Care
As the old sporting adage goes, the best offense is a good defense, and the same goes for your health.

According to researchers at Wilkes University, people who have regular sex were found to have higher levels of immunoglobulin A, or IgA, an antibody that fends off infection.

In addition, men who have orgasms at least five times a week are at a lower risk for prostate cancer – even less so if prostate massage is involved.

Headache Relief
The clichéd ‘Not tonight – I have a headache’ excuse is valid no more.

According to scientists, the hypothalamus region of the brain – a small, cone-shaped area connected to the pituitary gland and targeted by headaches – experiences activity during orgasm.

As an added bonus, arousal and orgasm increases the amount of oxytocin in your system, which causes your pituitary gland to release endorphins—peptides that dull pain and trigger feelings of well-being.

Lighter Periods
Your uterus will contract during orgasm, and this helps eradicate cramp-causing compounds and expel blood and tissue. More contractions mean shorter periods with fewer cramps.

Helpful tip: When having sex during your period, stick to the missionary position – your flow is lighter when you’re horizontal.

Glowing Skin
Due to a post-orgasm endorphin rush and increased blood and oxygen circulation, your skin reaps some beautiful benefits from the bump and grind.

The “sex glow”, as some call it, is in part also caused by your body’s release of (deep breath, now) dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, which promotes healthy skin and improves your complexion.

Now that you've read these 5 surprising health benefits of orgasm, are you going to increase your orgasm rate? Let us hear you.

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Healthy Living Tips: 5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Orgasm

Unknown  |  at   11:30 pm  |  No comments

Healthy Living Tips: 5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Orgasm
5 Surprising Health Benefits Of Orgasm

Only humans and dolphins engage in sex strictly for pleasure, the rest do it solely for procreation. The pleasure to enjoyed for most adults in the end game which is orgasm. That short pleasure explosion moment can be unforgettable or simple forgotten if not done properly. Besides this pleasure, orgasm has 5 surprising health benefits.

Today is National Orgasm Day, and to celebrate we're giving you Health reasons why you should be taking a joyride to "Orgasmland" more often.

A number of international studies have spanned the entire sexual spectrum: from the emotional benefits of kissing and cuddling to the longer-lasting benefits of having 200 Orgasms a year. But what about the less-widely known biological benefits of the human orgasm?

Healthy Choice-Making
For years, pop culture has projected lighting up a cigarette to be a ubiquitous post-coital ritual, but some studies show that orgasms can act as a regulator when it comes to appetite and cravings.

Throughout intercourse, the body produces phenethylamine, a natural amphetamine that may help to reduce cravings for junk food, cigarettes and overeating.

Preventative Care
As the old sporting adage goes, the best offense is a good defense, and the same goes for your health.

According to researchers at Wilkes University, people who have regular sex were found to have higher levels of immunoglobulin A, or IgA, an antibody that fends off infection.

In addition, men who have orgasms at least five times a week are at a lower risk for prostate cancer – even less so if prostate massage is involved.

Headache Relief
The clichéd ‘Not tonight – I have a headache’ excuse is valid no more.

According to scientists, the hypothalamus region of the brain – a small, cone-shaped area connected to the pituitary gland and targeted by headaches – experiences activity during orgasm.

As an added bonus, arousal and orgasm increases the amount of oxytocin in your system, which causes your pituitary gland to release endorphins—peptides that dull pain and trigger feelings of well-being.

Lighter Periods
Your uterus will contract during orgasm, and this helps eradicate cramp-causing compounds and expel blood and tissue. More contractions mean shorter periods with fewer cramps.

Helpful tip: When having sex during your period, stick to the missionary position – your flow is lighter when you’re horizontal.

Glowing Skin
Due to a post-orgasm endorphin rush and increased blood and oxygen circulation, your skin reaps some beautiful benefits from the bump and grind.

The “sex glow”, as some call it, is in part also caused by your body’s release of (deep breath, now) dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, which promotes healthy skin and improves your complexion.

Now that you've read these 5 surprising health benefits of orgasm, are you going to increase your orgasm rate? Let us hear you.

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Healthy Lifestyle: Breast Reduction Surgery Increases Quality of Life - BREAST-Q Study
Healthy Lifestyle: Breast Reduction Surgery Increases Quality of Life - BREAST-Q Study

Different strokes for different folks. While some women are getting breast implant to increase the size of their breast, others with a sense of healthy lifestyle are doing the opposite. I wonder if men loves big or small breast.

WonderWoman has this post about the Health Benefits Of Breast Reduction Surgery. According to the a new study, breast reduction surgery produces measurable improvements in several important areas of health and quality of life.

The study used the BREAST-Q questionnaire, a well-validated survey instrument, to document the physical and psychosocial health benefits of breast reduction surgery.

"The improvement in physical well-being is important for justification of insurance coverage," according to the paper by Dr. Michelle Coriddi and colleagues of Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University, Columbus.

The study was designed to evaluate and confirm the benefits of breast reduction surgery-one of the most commonly performed breast plastic surgery procedures.

Previous studies have found it highly effective in relieving symptoms related to overly large breasts.

The BREAST-Q was used to obtain a more complete picture of the clinical outcomes and is "the only questionnaire to assess breast reduction outcomes that meets international and federal standards for questionnaire development," according to Dr. Coriddi and coauthors.

In a series of 49 patients undergoing breast reduction, 78 percent anonymously completed the BREAST-Q before and/or after surgery.

Changes in patient-reported satisfaction and quality of life after breast reduction were assessed.

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Healthy Lifestyle: Breast Reduction Surgery Increases Quality of Life - BREAST-Q Study

Unknown  |  at   10:32 am  |  No comments

Healthy Lifestyle: Breast Reduction Surgery Increases Quality of Life - BREAST-Q Study
Healthy Lifestyle: Breast Reduction Surgery Increases Quality of Life - BREAST-Q Study

Different strokes for different folks. While some women are getting breast implant to increase the size of their breast, others with a sense of healthy lifestyle are doing the opposite. I wonder if men loves big or small breast.

WonderWoman has this post about the Health Benefits Of Breast Reduction Surgery. According to the a new study, breast reduction surgery produces measurable improvements in several important areas of health and quality of life.

The study used the BREAST-Q questionnaire, a well-validated survey instrument, to document the physical and psychosocial health benefits of breast reduction surgery.

"The improvement in physical well-being is important for justification of insurance coverage," according to the paper by Dr. Michelle Coriddi and colleagues of Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University, Columbus.

The study was designed to evaluate and confirm the benefits of breast reduction surgery-one of the most commonly performed breast plastic surgery procedures.

Previous studies have found it highly effective in relieving symptoms related to overly large breasts.

The BREAST-Q was used to obtain a more complete picture of the clinical outcomes and is "the only questionnaire to assess breast reduction outcomes that meets international and federal standards for questionnaire development," according to Dr. Coriddi and coauthors.

In a series of 49 patients undergoing breast reduction, 78 percent anonymously completed the BREAST-Q before and/or after surgery.

Changes in patient-reported satisfaction and quality of life after breast reduction were assessed.

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Independent Woman: Ladies Create Your Own Identity And Raise Your Worth
I got this off my friends wall on Facebook I find it very interesting.

"My boyfriend works at..."

"My boyfriend is a..."

"My boyfriend drives a..."

"My boyfriend lives in..."

"My boyfriend owns..."

These are phrases we must eliminate from our vocabulary, ladies. We must arrive at a point where our boyfriends do not define who we are. A woman of substance does not allow herself to be defined by who her man is, she creates an identity for herself. And creating that identity does not mean competing with her man, it means architecting a path uniquely for herself. Your man may be rich and powerful, a respected businessman. You need not be a rich businesswoman, you can still choose a path that is aligned to your passion, even if it's not something that will make of you a millionaire, yet still be able to make a mark in the space that you occupy.

We must protect our relationships, but not at the expense of ourselves. We must refuse to let men dictate terms to us, terms which seek to divert us from our own passions, from designing our own legacies. A man who insists that you stop doing what you love is not worthy of you. A man who gets angry when you build your own legacy does not deserve you. If you are passionate about civil society and a man tells you to quit being an activist for his sake, he's not worthy of you. Men who want to dim our lights are unworthy of our love. And ourselves too must never make compromises for men, where our own growth and identity is concerned. No relationship is worth sacrificing your identity for. But for men to take us seriously, we must take ourselves seriously.

It begins with not being trophies of men. It begins with refusing to be reduced to subordinate roles where we have no identity outside that of our men. We must do what defines us. If you are a writer, then write. If you are a poet then perform. Whatever you are, let the world know you for that. Let your partner not complete you, but rather, complement you. Let the world know you as who you are, not who you are sleeping with. When someone asks who you are, let the response be about YOU. The worst thing that can happen to a woman is that when someone asks who she is, the response is: "You don't know her? She is the girlfriend of the director of x, y, z..." We must make our mark as women, not be defined by who our men are, where they work, what they have achieved and what they have. Women of substance don't assume men's identities, they create their own.

My Opinion
The bitter truth most women are so materialistic that you can actually extract materialism from their DNA nothing will remain. They want to look like Beyoncé but they don’t have any desire whatsoever to work like Beyoncé. So they look a veritable Man of Steel or in this case Man of Materialism to latch unto. Guys on the other hand sadly exploit women for this. They know once they make money women will naturally flock around them like ants to sugar. So most guys simply forget about women and focus on money like rappers MOB (Money Over B*tches).

A woman must come to a relationship with something valuable to offer and not just to be redecorated by the man. However she should also know who the head in the relationship is. Once a woman starts acting or behaving like she is the one with two balls, the relationship is instantly doomed.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with a woman's identity being connected to his man's success and vice versa. Success should be collectively celebrated together.

Most women don't get it that success is not sexually transmitted. But with time and some painful experience they do.

Still there are some really decent women out there. Shout out to all of them

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Independent Woman: Ladies Create Your Own Identity And Raise Your Worth

Unknown  |  at   9:46 am  |  No comments

Independent Woman: Ladies Create Your Own Identity And Raise Your Worth
I got this off my friends wall on Facebook I find it very interesting.

"My boyfriend works at..."

"My boyfriend is a..."

"My boyfriend drives a..."

"My boyfriend lives in..."

"My boyfriend owns..."

These are phrases we must eliminate from our vocabulary, ladies. We must arrive at a point where our boyfriends do not define who we are. A woman of substance does not allow herself to be defined by who her man is, she creates an identity for herself. And creating that identity does not mean competing with her man, it means architecting a path uniquely for herself. Your man may be rich and powerful, a respected businessman. You need not be a rich businesswoman, you can still choose a path that is aligned to your passion, even if it's not something that will make of you a millionaire, yet still be able to make a mark in the space that you occupy.

We must protect our relationships, but not at the expense of ourselves. We must refuse to let men dictate terms to us, terms which seek to divert us from our own passions, from designing our own legacies. A man who insists that you stop doing what you love is not worthy of you. A man who gets angry when you build your own legacy does not deserve you. If you are passionate about civil society and a man tells you to quit being an activist for his sake, he's not worthy of you. Men who want to dim our lights are unworthy of our love. And ourselves too must never make compromises for men, where our own growth and identity is concerned. No relationship is worth sacrificing your identity for. But for men to take us seriously, we must take ourselves seriously.

It begins with not being trophies of men. It begins with refusing to be reduced to subordinate roles where we have no identity outside that of our men. We must do what defines us. If you are a writer, then write. If you are a poet then perform. Whatever you are, let the world know you for that. Let your partner not complete you, but rather, complement you. Let the world know you as who you are, not who you are sleeping with. When someone asks who you are, let the response be about YOU. The worst thing that can happen to a woman is that when someone asks who she is, the response is: "You don't know her? She is the girlfriend of the director of x, y, z..." We must make our mark as women, not be defined by who our men are, where they work, what they have achieved and what they have. Women of substance don't assume men's identities, they create their own.

My Opinion
The bitter truth most women are so materialistic that you can actually extract materialism from their DNA nothing will remain. They want to look like Beyoncé but they don’t have any desire whatsoever to work like Beyoncé. So they look a veritable Man of Steel or in this case Man of Materialism to latch unto. Guys on the other hand sadly exploit women for this. They know once they make money women will naturally flock around them like ants to sugar. So most guys simply forget about women and focus on money like rappers MOB (Money Over B*tches).

A woman must come to a relationship with something valuable to offer and not just to be redecorated by the man. However she should also know who the head in the relationship is. Once a woman starts acting or behaving like she is the one with two balls, the relationship is instantly doomed.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with a woman's identity being connected to his man's success and vice versa. Success should be collectively celebrated together.

Most women don't get it that success is not sexually transmitted. But with time and some painful experience they do.

Still there are some really decent women out there. Shout out to all of them

Please Don't FORGET To SHARE This POST!!
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