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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Action Point, Daily Devotion, Watch Your Company

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment: Exodus 23:2

1 Corinthians 15:33-34

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Corinthians 15:33

Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. 1 Corinthians 15:34

Open Heavens Devotional Message
It is great to be God’s firebrand. But what could make a firebrand lose heat? This can happen when it is isolated from its source of fire. This means once you are a firebrand, do everything possible to remain connected with your source of power. God is our source of power and the greatest of fires originate from him. Hebrews 12:29 says He is a consuming fire. The fire of God is very fiery. His fire is the one that neutralizes all other types of fire. When the three Hebrew children were thrown into Nebuchadnezzar’s fire which was the hottest fire as at that time, nothing happened to them because the more superior fire was already there before their arrival. God’s presence turned the enemy’s furnace into a suitable environment (Daniel 3:19-27). At the presence of the consuming fire, all other fires lose their efficacy. Similarly, when this fire came down in 1 Kings18:38, it consumed what literarily fire cannot consume – stone and water. During ordination, we usually pray that the Almighty God will overshadow those ordained. By this we mean that God will rule over them. If a firebrand is isolated from fire for long, it can lose its flame.

In addition, a firebrand may lose its heat and become cold if it keeps the wrong company. If you take a firebrand and drop it inside water, what happens? The fire will go out! 1 Corinthians 15:33 says no matter how good you may be, if you continue to associate with evil people, it will definitely affect you some day. This is why 2 Corinthians 6:14 warns us not to be unequally yoke with unbelievers. We can simply explain Amos 3:3 to mean, show me your friends and I will show you who you are. Who are your friends? When you meet, what do you talk about? Do you talk about soul winning, anointing, expansion of God’s Kingdom or you discuss sports, politics, fashion, economy, etc.? If you will be a firebrand and sustain it, you must be prepared to review your friends. Strictly abide by the instructions given in today’s reading.

Bible In One Year:
Isaiah 40-43

Action Point
Carefully examine all your friends and prayerfully determine which to drop, and which to retain.
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Watching Your Company – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 19th September 2013

Unknown  |  at   1:07 pm  |  No comments

Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Action Point, Daily Devotion, Watch Your Company

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment: Exodus 23:2

1 Corinthians 15:33-34

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Corinthians 15:33

Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. 1 Corinthians 15:34

Open Heavens Devotional Message
It is great to be God’s firebrand. But what could make a firebrand lose heat? This can happen when it is isolated from its source of fire. This means once you are a firebrand, do everything possible to remain connected with your source of power. God is our source of power and the greatest of fires originate from him. Hebrews 12:29 says He is a consuming fire. The fire of God is very fiery. His fire is the one that neutralizes all other types of fire. When the three Hebrew children were thrown into Nebuchadnezzar’s fire which was the hottest fire as at that time, nothing happened to them because the more superior fire was already there before their arrival. God’s presence turned the enemy’s furnace into a suitable environment (Daniel 3:19-27). At the presence of the consuming fire, all other fires lose their efficacy. Similarly, when this fire came down in 1 Kings18:38, it consumed what literarily fire cannot consume – stone and water. During ordination, we usually pray that the Almighty God will overshadow those ordained. By this we mean that God will rule over them. If a firebrand is isolated from fire for long, it can lose its flame.

In addition, a firebrand may lose its heat and become cold if it keeps the wrong company. If you take a firebrand and drop it inside water, what happens? The fire will go out! 1 Corinthians 15:33 says no matter how good you may be, if you continue to associate with evil people, it will definitely affect you some day. This is why 2 Corinthians 6:14 warns us not to be unequally yoke with unbelievers. We can simply explain Amos 3:3 to mean, show me your friends and I will show you who you are. Who are your friends? When you meet, what do you talk about? Do you talk about soul winning, anointing, expansion of God’s Kingdom or you discuss sports, politics, fashion, economy, etc.? If you will be a firebrand and sustain it, you must be prepared to review your friends. Strictly abide by the instructions given in today’s reading.

Bible In One Year:
Isaiah 40-43

Action Point
Carefully examine all your friends and prayerfully determine which to drop, and which to retain.
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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Seventh Time, Daily Devotion, Key Point,

And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:6

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 2 Corinthians 10:4

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5

And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:6

Open Heavens Devotional Message
Another lesson from Elijah’s prayer encounter with God in 2 Kings 18:41-44 is that he kept praying until the seventh time before he got result. This tells us that God has a time table for everything according to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. There is a right time to answer every prayer request. There is a right time for every miracle. Apart from faith and salvation whose right time is now, all other things have to wait for their appointed time. The appointed time for a given blessing or miracle varies from one person to the other.

Three couples could wed on the same day but the right time for them to conceive and have their babies may differ from one another. Ten friends may graduate from the university on the same day, but the right time for them to have a decent job might vary one from the other. My prayer for you is that your right time will not pass you by. In addition to this, some people erroneously believe that because there is a right time for everything, they should therefore expect delays in every blessing. This is not true. The right time for certain miracles may not wait beyond five minutes. Some can be within one or more hours. Some can be within a day. Some blessing can come to you now. May you not miss your time now!

God does everything to time. In 2 Kings 5:1-14, Naaman remained a leper even after dipping the sixth time; but as he dipped the seventh time, he came out with a brand new skin. If you have not fully paid the price in prayer for certain requests, they will not be granted. This is why Matthew 7:7-8 says you must continue to ask. The seventh time speaks of completeness and perfection. It is when your obedience is complete before God that you can avenge the disobedience of the enemy in your life. Have you obeyed God fully in prayer, waiting on the Lord, praise and worship? Have you won all the souls God expects you to have won by now? Arise today and work towards completing your obedience so that your blessing too will be complete.

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 18-20

Key PointThere are certain blessings that may not be released to you until you have fully obeyed God.

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The Seventh Time – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 18th September 2013

Unknown  |  at   12:00 am  |  No comments

Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Seventh Time, Daily Devotion, Key Point,

And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:6

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 2 Corinthians 10:4

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5

And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:6

Open Heavens Devotional Message
Another lesson from Elijah’s prayer encounter with God in 2 Kings 18:41-44 is that he kept praying until the seventh time before he got result. This tells us that God has a time table for everything according to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. There is a right time to answer every prayer request. There is a right time for every miracle. Apart from faith and salvation whose right time is now, all other things have to wait for their appointed time. The appointed time for a given blessing or miracle varies from one person to the other.

Three couples could wed on the same day but the right time for them to conceive and have their babies may differ from one another. Ten friends may graduate from the university on the same day, but the right time for them to have a decent job might vary one from the other. My prayer for you is that your right time will not pass you by. In addition to this, some people erroneously believe that because there is a right time for everything, they should therefore expect delays in every blessing. This is not true. The right time for certain miracles may not wait beyond five minutes. Some can be within one or more hours. Some can be within a day. Some blessing can come to you now. May you not miss your time now!

God does everything to time. In 2 Kings 5:1-14, Naaman remained a leper even after dipping the sixth time; but as he dipped the seventh time, he came out with a brand new skin. If you have not fully paid the price in prayer for certain requests, they will not be granted. This is why Matthew 7:7-8 says you must continue to ask. The seventh time speaks of completeness and perfection. It is when your obedience is complete before God that you can avenge the disobedience of the enemy in your life. Have you obeyed God fully in prayer, waiting on the Lord, praise and worship? Have you won all the souls God expects you to have won by now? Arise today and work towards completing your obedience so that your blessing too will be complete.

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 18-20

Key PointThere are certain blessings that may not be released to you until you have fully obeyed God.

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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Kids Healthy Habit, Healthy Habits, Healthy Habit, Formative Years
Healthy Habits: 11 Healthy Habits Your Kids Should Pick (Himalayan Times)
Healthy Habits: 11 Healthy Habits Your Kids Should Pick (Himalayan Times)

Most parents do more of just feeding, clothing and housing their kids and do less of teaching them good habits be it healthy habits, moral habits or otherwise. Kids easily pick up habits during their formative years of childhood. Don't be surprised when they pick more of what you do than what you say, if they are two different things. Here is list of premium picked 11 healthy habits parents should teach their kids.

Also Read: Parenting And Healthy Foods: Parents Send Kids Back To School With Healthy Meals And Snacks

As a parent you are the most important influence in your child’s life. A new born baby is like ‘clay’ in the hands of the parent, who is the potter. What shape the child’s life takes depends on how the ‘clay’ is shaped by the potter.

You are responsible for the habits your child forms. The foundation of your child’s future is laid by the habits that you help them develop during the formative years of childhood.

You pass your genes to your child. Children pick up your habits too — both good as well as bad. Show that you care about your child by inculcating healthy habits in yourself as well as  your child.

1. Fruits and Vegetables
• Children should have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

• Parents should make an effort to incorporate a range of fruits and vegetables of different hues in their child’s meals — from red, blue, orange to yellow, green and white.

• Eating colourful food is not only fun but gives a range of nutrients to your child.

2. No Skipping Breakfast
• Teach your child that a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it not only kicks starts our brain and metabolism but helps in weight maintenance and keeping chronic diseases at bay.

• Hearty and healthy breakfast is possible when dinners are light and early — 6.30 to 7.00 pm the night before.

3: Eat Every 2-3 Hours
• Research has shown that having small meals every two to three hours is healthier than having three big meals a day. Most day schools give food breaks to children every three hours, so pack two lunch boxes for your child instead of one. Serve him small frequent meals at fixed times.

4: Dental Hygiene
• Ensure your child brushes his teeth twice a day — after breakfast and before retiring to bed for the night. Children also need to be helped with brushing and need to be taught the right up-down movement of  the brush.

• Ensure that they gargle after every meal. A fun way is to ask them to gargle as per their age — if they are three years old, then three times after every meal.

• You must get regular dental checkups done for your child — once every six months.

5: Drink Water
• Seventy per cent of our body is made of water, so you should ensure that your child has at least eight glasses of water per day.

• Besides removing toxins from the body and making the brain alert, drinking water has innumerable health benefits.

6: Sleep For 9 Hours
• Ensure that your child has rested well so that he can function to the optimum level. Minimum nine hours every night.

• Having fixed bed time routine helps.

7: Read Books
• Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. So, have a DEAR (Drop everything and read) time with your dear child every day. During this time you should either read aloud to your child or you both should read separately and discuss what is being read.

• Even if you start with as little as 20 minutes per day, it will go a long way in helping your child develop higher order thinking skills, vocabulary and communication skills.

• As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, daily reading lays the foundation to the child’s academic success. Reading aloud age appropriate books to children should begin at six months of age.

8: Physical Exercise
• Ensure that your children are first exposed to as many sports as possible — tennis, swimming, cricket, athletics, karate et cetera.Then choose one or two which they like and encourage them to play it regularly for the fun of it and not as a part of preparing for some competition. They should play the sport at least three to four times a week.

• It may take some time before the children to decide which sport they really like, so do not give up easily.

• You can just take them to the park and play with them or arrange for the neighbours’ children to play with yours.

• You will have to restrict screen time to ensure that children derive pleasure from sports as well as reading.

9: Gratitude
• Train your child to be grateful. Gratitude improves your child’s health, relationships, emotions, personality and career.

• Grateful children score better in exams, are more energetic, happier, have stronger relationships, healthier, kinder, sleep better, exercise more, more spiritual, less materialistic, less envious, and have better self esteem.

10: Positive thinking
• Children can get easily discouraged with the challenges they face. It is important to make them realise that they are lovable, capable and unique, no matter what situation they are in.

• Optimism or seeing the brighter side of life is a trait which is a learned one.

• No child is born optimistic. You have to train them by helping them focus on the ‘positive’ in life. They should be prepared for the worst but hope for the best.

• Ask your children to write statements about what they want to change about the way they see themselves or the world around them. Put them in places where they can see it every day, such as the bathroom mirror, closet, bedroom wall. Example of some affirmations can be ‘I can do whatever I focus my mind on’, ‘I am intelligent’, ‘Learning is fun’.

11: Spend Time With Family And Friends

• Money is a very important commodity in our life as it makes our lives comfortable and gives us opportunities to grow. However, true happiness is achieved only by having warm fulfilling relationships.

• No matter what toys you get for your child, they can never substitute for the time you spend with them.

• For your children to have your ‘memories’ later, you need to spend time in their ‘now’ to create them.

• Make it a point to have at least one meal ‘family meal’ everyday where all members of the family are present. The family that eats together stays together.

• Encourage your child to develop a range of friendships during school years by encouraging play dates. School day friendships will teach them life skills such as cooperation, sharing, getting along, conflict resolution, problem solving. It will set them up with life skills they can draw from years to come.

(Please give your feedback to

Post Credits
Post Author: Kirti Agarwal Pasboloa


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Healthy Habits: 11 Healthy Habits Your Kids Should Pick (Himalayan Times)

Unknown  |  at   2:37 pm  |  No comments

Kids Healthy Habit, Healthy Habits, Healthy Habit, Formative Years
Healthy Habits: 11 Healthy Habits Your Kids Should Pick (Himalayan Times)
Healthy Habits: 11 Healthy Habits Your Kids Should Pick (Himalayan Times)

Most parents do more of just feeding, clothing and housing their kids and do less of teaching them good habits be it healthy habits, moral habits or otherwise. Kids easily pick up habits during their formative years of childhood. Don't be surprised when they pick more of what you do than what you say, if they are two different things. Here is list of premium picked 11 healthy habits parents should teach their kids.

Also Read: Parenting And Healthy Foods: Parents Send Kids Back To School With Healthy Meals And Snacks

As a parent you are the most important influence in your child’s life. A new born baby is like ‘clay’ in the hands of the parent, who is the potter. What shape the child’s life takes depends on how the ‘clay’ is shaped by the potter.

You are responsible for the habits your child forms. The foundation of your child’s future is laid by the habits that you help them develop during the formative years of childhood.

You pass your genes to your child. Children pick up your habits too — both good as well as bad. Show that you care about your child by inculcating healthy habits in yourself as well as  your child.

1. Fruits and Vegetables
• Children should have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

• Parents should make an effort to incorporate a range of fruits and vegetables of different hues in their child’s meals — from red, blue, orange to yellow, green and white.

• Eating colourful food is not only fun but gives a range of nutrients to your child.

2. No Skipping Breakfast
• Teach your child that a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it not only kicks starts our brain and metabolism but helps in weight maintenance and keeping chronic diseases at bay.

• Hearty and healthy breakfast is possible when dinners are light and early — 6.30 to 7.00 pm the night before.

3: Eat Every 2-3 Hours
• Research has shown that having small meals every two to three hours is healthier than having three big meals a day. Most day schools give food breaks to children every three hours, so pack two lunch boxes for your child instead of one. Serve him small frequent meals at fixed times.

4: Dental Hygiene
• Ensure your child brushes his teeth twice a day — after breakfast and before retiring to bed for the night. Children also need to be helped with brushing and need to be taught the right up-down movement of  the brush.

• Ensure that they gargle after every meal. A fun way is to ask them to gargle as per their age — if they are three years old, then three times after every meal.

• You must get regular dental checkups done for your child — once every six months.

5: Drink Water
• Seventy per cent of our body is made of water, so you should ensure that your child has at least eight glasses of water per day.

• Besides removing toxins from the body and making the brain alert, drinking water has innumerable health benefits.

6: Sleep For 9 Hours
• Ensure that your child has rested well so that he can function to the optimum level. Minimum nine hours every night.

• Having fixed bed time routine helps.

7: Read Books
• Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. So, have a DEAR (Drop everything and read) time with your dear child every day. During this time you should either read aloud to your child or you both should read separately and discuss what is being read.

• Even if you start with as little as 20 minutes per day, it will go a long way in helping your child develop higher order thinking skills, vocabulary and communication skills.

• As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, daily reading lays the foundation to the child’s academic success. Reading aloud age appropriate books to children should begin at six months of age.

8: Physical Exercise
• Ensure that your children are first exposed to as many sports as possible — tennis, swimming, cricket, athletics, karate et cetera.Then choose one or two which they like and encourage them to play it regularly for the fun of it and not as a part of preparing for some competition. They should play the sport at least three to four times a week.

• It may take some time before the children to decide which sport they really like, so do not give up easily.

• You can just take them to the park and play with them or arrange for the neighbours’ children to play with yours.

• You will have to restrict screen time to ensure that children derive pleasure from sports as well as reading.

9: Gratitude
• Train your child to be grateful. Gratitude improves your child’s health, relationships, emotions, personality and career.

• Grateful children score better in exams, are more energetic, happier, have stronger relationships, healthier, kinder, sleep better, exercise more, more spiritual, less materialistic, less envious, and have better self esteem.

10: Positive thinking
• Children can get easily discouraged with the challenges they face. It is important to make them realise that they are lovable, capable and unique, no matter what situation they are in.

• Optimism or seeing the brighter side of life is a trait which is a learned one.

• No child is born optimistic. You have to train them by helping them focus on the ‘positive’ in life. They should be prepared for the worst but hope for the best.

• Ask your children to write statements about what they want to change about the way they see themselves or the world around them. Put them in places where they can see it every day, such as the bathroom mirror, closet, bedroom wall. Example of some affirmations can be ‘I can do whatever I focus my mind on’, ‘I am intelligent’, ‘Learning is fun’.

11: Spend Time With Family And Friends

• Money is a very important commodity in our life as it makes our lives comfortable and gives us opportunities to grow. However, true happiness is achieved only by having warm fulfilling relationships.

• No matter what toys you get for your child, they can never substitute for the time you spend with them.

• For your children to have your ‘memories’ later, you need to spend time in their ‘now’ to create them.

• Make it a point to have at least one meal ‘family meal’ everyday where all members of the family are present. The family that eats together stays together.

• Encourage your child to develop a range of friendships during school years by encouraging play dates. School day friendships will teach them life skills such as cooperation, sharing, getting along, conflict resolution, problem solving. It will set them up with life skills they can draw from years to come.

(Please give your feedback to

Post Credits
Post Author: Kirti Agarwal Pasboloa


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Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Daily Devotion, Key Point,
Use Your Two Wings – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Tuesday 17th September 2013

Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Hebrews 1:9

Hebrews 1:8-9

But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Hebrews 1:8

Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Hebrews 1:9
Open Heavens Devotional Message
When a bird flies, it is usually with two wings. A bird cannot fly with one wing. As a divine wing, you need your two wings to fly. 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 talks of these two wings. It says while the Jews seek for signs, the Greeks seek for wisdom. Both are found in Jesus Christ and you need both to enjoy your flight. The power of the Holy Spirit brings the miracles and by the grace of God, for many of us, this is becoming a regular feature in the midst of God’s people. However, the area where many are lacking is in the area of wisdom. It is disturbing to know that many of us want benefits without responsibilities. In Isaiah 1:19, we see both sides: your responsibility is that you must be willing and obedient before the benefit of eating the good of the land will come.

Acts 1:8 also speaks of both sides; it says you will receive power as long as you are prepared to be a witness of the goodness of the Lord. Do you want more anointing? Hebrews 1:8 says you must love righteousness and hate iniquity so that the anointing can come. There are some people who are asking for more anointing through prayer and fasting and God is equally ready to give them, but He will not because they are not prepared to mortify their flesh. Some have not dealt with lust for the opposite sex; some have not subdued covetousness while others are still harbouring pride or unforgiveness

If God answers that prayer and releases the anointing, it will not only backfire on them but also on God’s Kingdom. In other words, why some have not received answer for more anointing is not because they have not prayed enough but because they have not balanced their request with a commensurate level of righteousness. Are you the one hindering the fresh and higher move of God in your life? Address the issue of holiness in your life, speech, dressing, attitude, deeds and thoughts. Be clean through and through.

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 15-17

Key Point
Holiness and anointing, fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit must be balanced or there will be trouble.

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Use Your Two Wings – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Tuesday 17th September 2013

Unknown  |  at   12:24 pm  |  No comments

Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Daily Devotion, Key Point,
Use Your Two Wings – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Tuesday 17th September 2013

Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Hebrews 1:9

Hebrews 1:8-9

But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Hebrews 1:8

Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Hebrews 1:9
Open Heavens Devotional Message
When a bird flies, it is usually with two wings. A bird cannot fly with one wing. As a divine wing, you need your two wings to fly. 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 talks of these two wings. It says while the Jews seek for signs, the Greeks seek for wisdom. Both are found in Jesus Christ and you need both to enjoy your flight. The power of the Holy Spirit brings the miracles and by the grace of God, for many of us, this is becoming a regular feature in the midst of God’s people. However, the area where many are lacking is in the area of wisdom. It is disturbing to know that many of us want benefits without responsibilities. In Isaiah 1:19, we see both sides: your responsibility is that you must be willing and obedient before the benefit of eating the good of the land will come.

Acts 1:8 also speaks of both sides; it says you will receive power as long as you are prepared to be a witness of the goodness of the Lord. Do you want more anointing? Hebrews 1:8 says you must love righteousness and hate iniquity so that the anointing can come. There are some people who are asking for more anointing through prayer and fasting and God is equally ready to give them, but He will not because they are not prepared to mortify their flesh. Some have not dealt with lust for the opposite sex; some have not subdued covetousness while others are still harbouring pride or unforgiveness

If God answers that prayer and releases the anointing, it will not only backfire on them but also on God’s Kingdom. In other words, why some have not received answer for more anointing is not because they have not prayed enough but because they have not balanced their request with a commensurate level of righteousness. Are you the one hindering the fresh and higher move of God in your life? Address the issue of holiness in your life, speech, dressing, attitude, deeds and thoughts. Be clean through and through.

Bible In One Year:
Numbers 15-17

Key Point
Holiness and anointing, fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit must be balanced or there will be trouble.

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Monday, 16 September 2013

Healthy Food, Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating Tips
Healthy Eating: Healthy Eating Tips For 3 Types Of Travelers (Yahoo Shine)
Healthy Eating: Healthy Eating Tips For 3 Types Of Travelers (Yahoo Shine)

I often only eats snacks when I travel no matter the distance. I don't like inconveniencing nature's call while on a journey. I'm sure some people share same sentiments. This healthy eating tips is very useful for three types of travelers.

Also Read: Healthy Eating: 5 Salad-Bar Toppings To Just Pretend Don't Exist

In planes, trains, or your own car, you're constantly on the move. These insider tips from nutritionists and trainers help you stay in tip-top shape, no matter the workplace conditions. By Crystal Meers

You're a nine-to-fiver who wishes you could swap your to-and-from-work trek for the treadmill.

SMART FOOD: Having healthy snacks handy is the best way to avoid falling into the vending-machine trap or the receptionist's candy dish. Nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, author of The Beauty Detox Solution, recommends travel-friendly fresh fruit like bananas and oranges, along with walnuts, raw almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. "And dates," she adds, "for sweet cravings." Swap the soda in the break-room fridge for cold-pressed organic fruit and vegetable juices. Los Angeles-based Pressed Juicery, a favorite of Nicole Richie and Zooey Deschanel, ships seven different kits-including Greens, Detox, and Celebration-with 12 drinks in each, nationwide.

NO-EXCUSES EXERCISE: Joining a gym near your office could offer a double stress-buster: Instead of sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, leave home earlier or head home later and hit the gym during rush hour-before or after work. If you're a train commuter, traveling off-peak could even save you a few bucks in fare.

BE PREPARED: Cut down your a.m. crunch time by prepping the day's food the night before. "Make a huge kale salad for dinner and bring the rest to work for lunch," says Snyder. "It's such a hardy green that it won't be soggy the next day." And you won't be tempted when your cubemate offers to make a burger run at lunch. 

Also Read: Healthy Eating: Money Saving Tips On Healthy Eating

Related: 50 Cheap Date Ideas

You've got a concierge in every port and plastic baggies full of 3-ounce shampoo bottles under your sink.

SMART FOOD: Forget packing your lunch-there's barely enough time to pack your suitcase before a flight. Two new meal-replacement bars, Elemental Superfood Seedbars and Raw Revolution, get the stash-worthy stamp of approval from Los Angeles-based nutritionist Elissa Goodman. "They are both raw, so they are easy to digest, while still supplying a balance of protein, carbs, and good fats," explains Goodman. In other words, just what you need to keep your mind off the nachos in Terminal 3.

NO-EXCUSES EXERCISE: Bring your sneakers and download RunKeeper, a favorite of Tracy Benham, exercise physiologist and author of The Best Book on How to Travel Fit. "The app monitors my time and pace while my iPod plays. It uses the GPS to track my course and calories burned, and then stores the information." More than just for running, it can be used for cycling, skiing, swimming, and other activities. Need help finding your way? Try, which allows users to share training routes.

MASTER THE MINIBAR: Your late check-in means room service closed hours ago. Heed Snyder's advice before ravaging the minibar: "Even if they aren't ideal items, stick to what was once a vegetable or a nut in some form, like roasted nuts and potato chips. Avoid refined-flour snacks like crackers and pretzels, and candy loaded with artificial dyes, sugary juices, and sodas. Your skin will thank you." 

Also Read: Parenting And Healthy Foods: Parents Send Kids Back To School With Healthy Meals And Snacks

Related: 30 Dates to Spice Up Your Relationship

Being off-site and away from home for weeks at a time doesn't mean your health has to go off the rails.

SMART FOOD: When your brain is working overtime, your body is, too. Supplement with vitamins, probiotics, and enzymes to give your system the support it needs to keep up. "Type A personalities aren't relaxing and enjoying their food," explains Goodman. "They are eating really fast, which wreaks havoc on digestion." She recommends a daily probiotic such as Dr. Ohhira or Culturelle, along with raw enzymes and a multivitamin, both available in age-group-specific women's formulas from Garden of Life.

NO-EXCUSES EXERCISE: When you tire of staring at yourself on your hotel gym elliptical, sign up for Purchase a package on the site and gain access to classes at any of their handpicked network of boutique fitness studios, and to services provided by vetted spas, massage therapists, and health and wellness experts. Currently available in New York City and Los Angeles, service expansion into additional cities is underway.

GO LOW-CARB: Lunch meetings, cocktail parties, and business dinners leave little room for menu negotiation, but navigating the plate is easy according to personal trainer Patrick Murphy: "Eat smaller portions with less dense carbohydrates, and always say, 'light on the oil'-that can save you hundreds of calories." Murphy also recommends going for the protein on your plate first. "Save your carbohydrates for the end of the meal, when you've already slowed the absorption process down, and you'll avoid a spiking blood-sugar level, which leads to fat gains."

Post Credits
Post Author: Marie Claire

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Healthy Eating: Healthy Eating Tips For 3 Types Of Travelers (Yahoo Shine)

Unknown  |  at   9:06 pm  |  No comments

Healthy Food, Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Eating Tips
Healthy Eating: Healthy Eating Tips For 3 Types Of Travelers (Yahoo Shine)
Healthy Eating: Healthy Eating Tips For 3 Types Of Travelers (Yahoo Shine)

I often only eats snacks when I travel no matter the distance. I don't like inconveniencing nature's call while on a journey. I'm sure some people share same sentiments. This healthy eating tips is very useful for three types of travelers.

Also Read: Healthy Eating: 5 Salad-Bar Toppings To Just Pretend Don't Exist

In planes, trains, or your own car, you're constantly on the move. These insider tips from nutritionists and trainers help you stay in tip-top shape, no matter the workplace conditions. By Crystal Meers

You're a nine-to-fiver who wishes you could swap your to-and-from-work trek for the treadmill.

SMART FOOD: Having healthy snacks handy is the best way to avoid falling into the vending-machine trap or the receptionist's candy dish. Nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, author of The Beauty Detox Solution, recommends travel-friendly fresh fruit like bananas and oranges, along with walnuts, raw almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. "And dates," she adds, "for sweet cravings." Swap the soda in the break-room fridge for cold-pressed organic fruit and vegetable juices. Los Angeles-based Pressed Juicery, a favorite of Nicole Richie and Zooey Deschanel, ships seven different kits-including Greens, Detox, and Celebration-with 12 drinks in each, nationwide.

NO-EXCUSES EXERCISE: Joining a gym near your office could offer a double stress-buster: Instead of sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, leave home earlier or head home later and hit the gym during rush hour-before or after work. If you're a train commuter, traveling off-peak could even save you a few bucks in fare.

BE PREPARED: Cut down your a.m. crunch time by prepping the day's food the night before. "Make a huge kale salad for dinner and bring the rest to work for lunch," says Snyder. "It's such a hardy green that it won't be soggy the next day." And you won't be tempted when your cubemate offers to make a burger run at lunch. 

Also Read: Healthy Eating: Money Saving Tips On Healthy Eating

Related: 50 Cheap Date Ideas

You've got a concierge in every port and plastic baggies full of 3-ounce shampoo bottles under your sink.

SMART FOOD: Forget packing your lunch-there's barely enough time to pack your suitcase before a flight. Two new meal-replacement bars, Elemental Superfood Seedbars and Raw Revolution, get the stash-worthy stamp of approval from Los Angeles-based nutritionist Elissa Goodman. "They are both raw, so they are easy to digest, while still supplying a balance of protein, carbs, and good fats," explains Goodman. In other words, just what you need to keep your mind off the nachos in Terminal 3.

NO-EXCUSES EXERCISE: Bring your sneakers and download RunKeeper, a favorite of Tracy Benham, exercise physiologist and author of The Best Book on How to Travel Fit. "The app monitors my time and pace while my iPod plays. It uses the GPS to track my course and calories burned, and then stores the information." More than just for running, it can be used for cycling, skiing, swimming, and other activities. Need help finding your way? Try, which allows users to share training routes.

MASTER THE MINIBAR: Your late check-in means room service closed hours ago. Heed Snyder's advice before ravaging the minibar: "Even if they aren't ideal items, stick to what was once a vegetable or a nut in some form, like roasted nuts and potato chips. Avoid refined-flour snacks like crackers and pretzels, and candy loaded with artificial dyes, sugary juices, and sodas. Your skin will thank you." 

Also Read: Parenting And Healthy Foods: Parents Send Kids Back To School With Healthy Meals And Snacks

Related: 30 Dates to Spice Up Your Relationship

Being off-site and away from home for weeks at a time doesn't mean your health has to go off the rails.

SMART FOOD: When your brain is working overtime, your body is, too. Supplement with vitamins, probiotics, and enzymes to give your system the support it needs to keep up. "Type A personalities aren't relaxing and enjoying their food," explains Goodman. "They are eating really fast, which wreaks havoc on digestion." She recommends a daily probiotic such as Dr. Ohhira or Culturelle, along with raw enzymes and a multivitamin, both available in age-group-specific women's formulas from Garden of Life.

NO-EXCUSES EXERCISE: When you tire of staring at yourself on your hotel gym elliptical, sign up for Purchase a package on the site and gain access to classes at any of their handpicked network of boutique fitness studios, and to services provided by vetted spas, massage therapists, and health and wellness experts. Currently available in New York City and Los Angeles, service expansion into additional cities is underway.

GO LOW-CARB: Lunch meetings, cocktail parties, and business dinners leave little room for menu negotiation, but navigating the plate is easy according to personal trainer Patrick Murphy: "Eat smaller portions with less dense carbohydrates, and always say, 'light on the oil'-that can save you hundreds of calories." Murphy also recommends going for the protein on your plate first. "Save your carbohydrates for the end of the meal, when you've already slowed the absorption process down, and you'll avoid a spiking blood-sugar level, which leads to fat gains."

Post Credits
Post Author: Marie Claire

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Offence Prone, Daily Devotion, Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Prayer Point,

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

Matthew 18:3-7

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. Matthew 18:5

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Matthew 18:7

Open Heavens Devotional Message
Being a midwife is a highly sensitive and delicate assignment because if care is not taken, instead of facilitating life, the fellow might be facilitating disability or death. If negative impressions are registered in the hearts of young converts, they become almost indelible. Any believer who is supposed to be light but fails to radiate that light will definitely midwife souls in a wrong way. Today, many of us are sending souls thirsty for the Kingdom back to the world because of the love of money. A leader who condones sin and disobedience because the person in question is a financial supporter would find it difficult to uphold the truth of God’s Word.

As a result of this, he would either have no standard or operate multiple standards. When a financier offends, he will speak of mercy, but if it’s another person, he will wield the big stick. Such leaders forget that people, particularly young converts are watching them with keen interest. If converts who were expecting to see God’s standard of holiness see something even lower than what they left behind in the world, are we not encouraging them to go back to their vomit?

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Matthew 18:6

One very unfortunate thing among Christians is the tendency to forget that every action would bring about some reactions. If people really believe in eternal judgment, they would avoid offending young converts like hell. A young sister gave her life to Christ and found herself in the midst of older believers – both male and female, they all put in effort to encourage her growth in the faith. But among them was this brother who was supposed to be the head of their Christian group. He sought to be alone with this young sister and to lure her into fleshy lusts. When this became rampant, she began to wonder if fornication was allowed in the Christian faith because she did not know better until God helped her. are you painting Christ as a devil by your deeds?

Bible In One Year:
Number 11-14

Prayer Point
Father, let me never be an instrument in bringing down your converts.

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Offence Prone – RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Monday 16th September 2013

Unknown  |  at   2:21 pm  |  No comments

Offence Prone, Daily Devotion, Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Prayer Point,

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

Matthew 18:3-7

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. Matthew 18:5

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Matthew 18:7

Open Heavens Devotional Message
Being a midwife is a highly sensitive and delicate assignment because if care is not taken, instead of facilitating life, the fellow might be facilitating disability or death. If negative impressions are registered in the hearts of young converts, they become almost indelible. Any believer who is supposed to be light but fails to radiate that light will definitely midwife souls in a wrong way. Today, many of us are sending souls thirsty for the Kingdom back to the world because of the love of money. A leader who condones sin and disobedience because the person in question is a financial supporter would find it difficult to uphold the truth of God’s Word.

As a result of this, he would either have no standard or operate multiple standards. When a financier offends, he will speak of mercy, but if it’s another person, he will wield the big stick. Such leaders forget that people, particularly young converts are watching them with keen interest. If converts who were expecting to see God’s standard of holiness see something even lower than what they left behind in the world, are we not encouraging them to go back to their vomit?

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Matthew 18:6

One very unfortunate thing among Christians is the tendency to forget that every action would bring about some reactions. If people really believe in eternal judgment, they would avoid offending young converts like hell. A young sister gave her life to Christ and found herself in the midst of older believers – both male and female, they all put in effort to encourage her growth in the faith. But among them was this brother who was supposed to be the head of their Christian group. He sought to be alone with this young sister and to lure her into fleshy lusts. When this became rampant, she began to wonder if fornication was allowed in the Christian faith because she did not know better until God helped her. are you painting Christ as a devil by your deeds?

Bible In One Year:
Number 11-14

Prayer Point
Father, let me never be an instrument in bringing down your converts.

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Sunday, 15 September 2013

Something New, Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Action Point, Daily Devotion,
Something New Is Coming – RCCG Open Heavens of Sunday 15th September 2013

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.2 Corinthians 5:17

Isaiah 43:18-21

18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

20 The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.

21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

Open Heavens Devotional Message
Everything that has a beginning also has an end. The only reason God has no end is because He has no beginning. If your problem has a beginning, it must surely end one day. The woman with the issue of blood suffered for 12 years but finally, it came to an end (Mark 5:25-34). In Luke 13:11-13, a woman was sick for 18 years but finally, the sickness ended. In the same vein, the man who was born blind was blind for 40 years but after this, his sight was restored (John 9:1-7). If you can trace the beginning of your problem, then it will surely end. The man at the pool was there for 38 years. He kept hoping for healing but the healing kept eluding him. He was looking out for an angel but the creator of angels personally showed up, and that was the day he went home (John 5:2-9). Have you been expecting a particular breakthrough or healing or deliverance or blessing which has been eluding you over the years? This season, your desire shall be granted. That problem is ending now and your new season begins now!

However, it will amaze you to know that there are some people who do not want anything new. Some of them are afraid that it is better to continue with the impoverished lifestyle they grew up with than to enter a period of abundance that may erode their faith in Christ. Be encouraged and fear not. The new is always better than the old. No matter how good an old car is, it cannot be compared with a new one. Light is far better than darkness. Light is new while darkness is old. Some people have become so used to suffering, lack, failure, or barrenness that they have not only adjusted but have also resigned to fate. Don't! Never accept any condition that God does not want you to live with. Reject it and accept the new and it shall be well with you. Something new is coming your way.

Action Point
Breakout from your comfort soul and try something new in your career, relationship and lifestyle.

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Something New Is Coming – RCCG Open Heavens of Sunday 15th September 2013

Unknown  |  at   12:00 am  |  No comments

Something New, Open Heavens, Open Heavens Devotional, Action Point, Daily Devotion,
Something New Is Coming – RCCG Open Heavens of Sunday 15th September 2013

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.2 Corinthians 5:17

Isaiah 43:18-21

18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

20 The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.

21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

Open Heavens Devotional Message
Everything that has a beginning also has an end. The only reason God has no end is because He has no beginning. If your problem has a beginning, it must surely end one day. The woman with the issue of blood suffered for 12 years but finally, it came to an end (Mark 5:25-34). In Luke 13:11-13, a woman was sick for 18 years but finally, the sickness ended. In the same vein, the man who was born blind was blind for 40 years but after this, his sight was restored (John 9:1-7). If you can trace the beginning of your problem, then it will surely end. The man at the pool was there for 38 years. He kept hoping for healing but the healing kept eluding him. He was looking out for an angel but the creator of angels personally showed up, and that was the day he went home (John 5:2-9). Have you been expecting a particular breakthrough or healing or deliverance or blessing which has been eluding you over the years? This season, your desire shall be granted. That problem is ending now and your new season begins now!

However, it will amaze you to know that there are some people who do not want anything new. Some of them are afraid that it is better to continue with the impoverished lifestyle they grew up with than to enter a period of abundance that may erode their faith in Christ. Be encouraged and fear not. The new is always better than the old. No matter how good an old car is, it cannot be compared with a new one. Light is far better than darkness. Light is new while darkness is old. Some people have become so used to suffering, lack, failure, or barrenness that they have not only adjusted but have also resigned to fate. Don't! Never accept any condition that God does not want you to live with. Reject it and accept the new and it shall be well with you. Something new is coming your way.

Action Point
Breakout from your comfort soul and try something new in your career, relationship and lifestyle.

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